相互運用性はあまり良くないものの、ネイティブにいくつかのWebコンポーネントを使用して開発したかったのです。だから私はタブクローム://フラグの下で私のubuntu OS上でgoogle-chrome-stableバージョン50.0.2661.102の実験的なウェブプラットフォームの機能を有効にしましたが、私はまだ(link to developer.mozilla docsに従って)推奨されません。Chromeでwindow.customElementsが定義されていません
2.1.1 Creating an autonomous custom element
This section is non-normative.
For the purposes of illustrating how to create an autonomous custom element, let's define a custom element that encapsulates rendering a small icon for a country flag. Our goal is to be able to use it like so:
<flag-icon country="nl"></flag-icon>
To do this, we first declare a class for the custom element, extending HTMLElement:
class FlagIcon extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._countryCode = null;
static get observedAttributes() { return ["country"]; }
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
// name will always be "country" due to observedAttributes
this._countryCode = newValue;
connectedCallback() {
get country() {
return this._countryCode;
set country(v) {
this.setAttribute("country", v);
_updateRendering() {
// Left as an exercise for the reader. But, you'll probably want to
// check this.ownerDocument.defaultView to see if we've been
// inserted into a document with a browsing context, and avoid
// doing any work if not.
We then need to use this class to define the element:
customElements.define("flag-icon", FlagIcon);
At this point, our above code will work! The parser, whenever it sees the flag-icon tag, will construct a new instance of our FlagIcon class, and tell our code about its new country attribute, which we then use to set the element's internal state and update its rendering (when appropriate).
You can also create flag-icon elements using the DOM API:
const flagIcon = document.createElement("flag-icon")
flagIcon.country = "jp"
Finally, we can also use the custom element constructor itself. That is, the above code is equivalent to:
const flagIcon = new FlagIcon()
flagIcon.country = "jp"
更新:Google Chrome 53.0.2785.30 dev(google-chrome-unstable on ubuntu)/ wフラグが設定されていても、標準が実装されていません。
を、あなたは、エイリアスを作成して使用することができます/ Applications/Google \ Chrome \ Canary.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\Chrome\Canary-enable-blink-features = CustomElementsV1、ShadowDOMV1 "' –
@DariusMorawiec、はい、Windows/Linuxでも可能です。また、Shadow DOM v1はフラグなしでアクティブになっているようです。 – Supersharp
ここでは[Shadow DOM v0](https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/4507242028072960)と[Shadow DOM v1](https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/4667415417847808)の状態を確認します。 –