要素にクラスを追加できます。 、あなたのコードは、タッチスクリーンを持っている非モバイルデバイスがあり、モバイルデバイス
- :オンライン既存のソリューションを探し
- 焦点要素が
要素は、オンスクリーンキーボード- アドレスバーを開きます編集可能ではないかもしれない持っている可能性があります仮想キーボードが現れると同時に、必要な画面スペースを再表示して使用することを決定し、使用可能なスペースをさらに絞ることができます。
私はrepository on GitHubを作成しました。
class Keyboard {
constructor() {
this.screenWidth = screen.width // detect orientation
this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight // detect keyboard change
this.listeners = {
resize: []
, keyboardchange: []
, focuschange: []
this.isTouchScreen = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement
this.focusElement = null
this.changeFocusTime = new Date().getTime()
this.focusDelay = 1000 // at least 600 ms is required
let focuschange = this.focuschange.bind(this)
document.addEventListener("focus", focuschange, true)
document.addEventListener("blur", focuschange, true)
window.onresize = this.resizeWindow.bind(this)
focuschange(event) {
let target = event.target
let elementType = null
let checkType = false
let checkEnabled = false
let checkEditable = true
if (event.type === "focus") {
elementType = target.nodeName
this.focusElement = target
switch (elementType) {
case "INPUT":
checkType = true
case "TEXTAREA":
checkEditable = false
checkEnabled = true
if (checkType) {
let type = target.type
switch (type) {
case "color":
case "checkbox":
case "radio":
case "date":
case "file":
case "month":
case "time":
this.focusElement = null
checkEnabled = false
elementType += "[type=" + type +"]"
if (checkEnabled) {
if (target.disabled) {
elementType += " (disabled)"
this.focusElement = null
if (checkEditable) {
if (!target.contentEditable) {
elementType = null
this.focusElement = null
} else {
this.focusElement = null
this.changeFocusTime = new Date().getTime()
this.listeners.focuschange.forEach(listener => {
listener(this.focusElement, elementType)
resizeWindow() {
let screenWidth = screen.width;
let windowHeight = window.innerHeight
let dimensions = {
width: innerWidth
, height: windowHeight
let orientation = (screenWidth > screen.height)
? "landscape"
: "portrait"
let focusAge = new Date().getTime() - this.changeFocusTime
let closed = !this.focusElement
&& (focusAge < this.focusDelay)
&& (this.windowHeight < windowHeight)
let opened = this.focusElement
&& (focusAge < this.focusDelay)
&& (this.windowHeight > windowHeight)
if ((this.screenWidth === screenWidth) && this.isTouchScreen) {
// No change of orientation
// opened or closed can only be true if height has changed.
// Edge case
// * Will give a false positive for keyboard change.
// * The user has a tablet computer with both screen and
// keyboard, and has just clicked into or out of an
// editable area, and also changed the window height in
// the appropriate direction, all with the mouse.
if (opened) {
this.keyboardchange("shown", dimensions)
} else if (closed) {
this.keyboardchange("hidden", dimensions)
} else {
// Assume this is a desktop touchscreen computer with
// resizable windows
this.resize(dimensions, orientation)
} else {
// Orientation has changed
this.resize(dimensions, orientation)
this.windowHeight = windowHeight
this.screenWidth = screenWidth
keyboardchange(change, dimensions) {
this.listeners.keyboardchange.forEach(listener => {
listener(change, dimensions)
resize(dimensions, orientation) {
this.listeners.resize.forEach(listener => {
listener(dimensions, orientation)
addEventListener(eventName, listener) {
// log("*addEventListener " + eventName)
let listeners = this.listeners[eventName] || []
if (listeners.indexOf(listener) < 0) {
removeEventListener(eventName, listener) {
let listeners = this.listeners[eventName] || []
let index = listeners.indexOf(listener)
if (index < 0) {
} else {
listeners.slice(index, 1)
window.keyboard = new Keyboard()
あなたは 'screen.availHeight'と' screen.availWidth'を使って画面サイズの変化を検知することができます。 [これも見つかりました](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4745988/how-do-i-detect-if-software-keyboard-is-visible-on-android-device) –