2016-07-11 7 views

私は複数のコードを複数回(順番に)繰り返す必要があります。ここに2つのブロックの例があります(さらに多くのブロックがあります)。複数回のPythonコードを繰り返します - それを凝縮する方法はありますか?

#wet spring 
sprwetseq = [] #blank list 

ran_yr = np.random.choice(wetspring,1) #choose a random year from the extreme winter variable 
sprwetseq += [(ran_yr[0], 2)] #take the random year and the value '2' for spring to sample from 

for item in sprwetseq: #item is a tuple with year and season, ***seq is all year and season pairs for the variable 
    projection.append(extremewet.query("Year == %d and Season == '%d'" % item)) 


#cold winter 
wincoldseq = [] #blank list 

ran_yr = np.random.choice(coldwinter,1) #choose a random year from the extreme winter variable 
wincoldseq += [(ran_yr[0], 1)] #take the random year and the value '1' for winter to sample from 

for item in wincoldseq: #item is a tuple with year and season, ***seq is all year and season pairs for the variable 
    projection.append(extremecold.query("Year == %d and Season == '%d'" % item)) 



は、forループを使用しますか? – DavidG


そこにPythonの関数として何かありますか? – matpol


@matpol erm ...はい? – jonrsharpe




def do_something_with(projection, data, input_list) 
    items = [] 

    ran_yr = np.random.choice(input_list, 1) 
    items += [(ran_yr[0], 1)] 

    for item in output: 
     projection.append(data.query("Year == %d and Season == '%d'" % item)) 

do_something_with(projection, sprwetseq, extremewet) 


def spring(): 
    sprwetseq = [] #blank list 

    ran_yr = np.random.choice(wetspring,1) #choose a random year from the extreme winter variable 
    sprwetseq += [(ran_yr[0], 2)] #take the random year and the value '2' for spring to sample from 

    for item in sprwetseq: #item is a tuple with year and season, ***seq is all year and season pairs for the variable 
     projection.append(extremewet.query("Year == %d and Season == '%d'" % item)) 



