with Dict as
(select '{1}' String, 'myfirstval' Repl from dual
union all
select '{2}' String, 'mysecondval' Repl from dual
union all
select '{3}' String, 'mythirdval' Repl from dual
union all
select '{Nth}' String, 'myNthval' Repl from dual
,MyStrings as
(select 'This is the first example {1} ' Str, 1 strnum from dual
union all
select 'In the Second example all values are shown {1} {2} {3} {Nth} ', 2 from dual
union all
select '{3} Is the value for the third', 3 from dual
union all
select '{Nth} Is the value for the Nth', 4 from dual
,pivot as (
Select Rownum Pnum
From dual
Connect By Rownum <= 100
,StrtoRow as
SELECT rownum rn
,REGEXP_SUBSTR (Str,'[^ ]+',1,pv.pnum) TXT
FROM MyStrings ms
,pivot pv
where REGEXP_SUBSTR (Str,'[^ ]+',1,pv.pnum) is not null
Select Listagg(NVL(Repl,TXT),' ') within group (order by rn)
Select sr.TXT, d.Repl, sr.strnum, sr.rn
from StrtoRow sr
,dict d
where sr.TXT = d.String(+)
order by strnum, rn
) group by strnum
可能性のある重複した[より大きくならないことを仮定しているの下にfunction in Oracle](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2947623/multiple-replace-function-in-oracle) – Joaquinglezsantos