2016-10-29 20 views

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           Sandbar Architecture is an entrepreneurial and innovative architectural design firm with a broad range of experience. Sandbar has proudly served professional and community organizations and prides itself in not only the quality of their work, but also in their involvement in working to benefit the community. 
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           <h2 class="ultrabold f-small uppercase t-left">We design buildings! It's what we do. </h2> 
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           <p class="gray2 f-small t-left raleway">We design buildings! It's what we do. Although there are many other services that we can provide, building design is our specialty. As we design, we make an extra effort to help you visualize the design in a way that makes you feel like you are part of the design team. It's all because you are part of the team. After all… it's your building!</p> 
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           <p class="gray2 f-small t-left raleway">It's out there, and there is a lot of it. But we are a startup. Our past design work is the copyrighted property of past employers. Out of respect for those who have been mentors and family to us, we will show you our work when we meet in person, but elect to keep it off of our site so that we do not promote hard feelings among friends. </p> 
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           He and his team just love to do awesome stuff. Epoch is an upcoming group of some creative people. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type. 

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