2016-04-16 13 views




$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 
      'multi1' => 'required|in:b', 
      'multi2' => 'required|in:a', 
      'multi3' => 'required|in:c', 
      'multi4' => 'required|in:b', 
      'multi5' => 'required|in:c', 
      'multi6' => 'required|in:a', 
      'multi7' => 'required|in:c', 
      'multi8' => 'required|in:c', 
      'multi9' => 'required|in:a', 
      'multi10' => 'required|in:b', 

     ], [ 
      'multi1.required' => 'The first question is empty!', 
      'multi2.required' => 'The second question is empty!', 
      'multi3.required' => 'The third question is empty!', 
      'multi4.required' => 'The fourth question is empty!', 
      'multi5.required' => 'The fifth question is empty!', 
      'multi6.required' => 'The sixth question is empty!', 
      'multi7.required' => 'The seventh question is empty!', 
      'multi8.required' => 'The eighth question is empty!', 
      'multi9.required' => 'The ninth question is empty!', 
      'multi10.required' => 'The tenth question is empty!', 

      'multi1.in' => 'At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.', 
      'multi2.in' => 'At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.', 
      'multi3.in' => 'At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.', 
      'multi4.in' => 'At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.', 
      'multi5.in' => 'At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.', 
      'multi6.in' => 'At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.', 
      'multi7.in' => 'At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.', 
      'multi8.in' => 'At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.', 
      'multi9.in' => 'At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.', 
      'multi10.in' => 'At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.', 

     if ($validator->fails()) { 
      return redirect('/application/multichoice') 

これで唯一の問題は、質問の1つ以上が正しくない場合は、その後、同じエラーメッセージ、At least one of your answers was incorrect. Please review them and resubmit.が、繰り返されていることです複数回。


@if (count($errors) > 0) 
    <div class="alert alert-danger"> 
     <p><b>There are some errors with your answers:</b></p> 
      @foreach ($errors->all() as $error) 
       <li>{{ $error }}</li> 




あなたは以前のエラーを追跡し、唯一それが以前のエラーと同じではない場合、エラー を表示することができます。

@if (count($errors) > 0) 
    <div class="alert alert-danger"> 
     <p><b>There are some errors with your answers:</b></p> 
      {{--*/ $prev = null; /*--}} 
      @foreach ($errors->all() as $error) 
       @if ($prev != $error) 
       <li>{{ $error }}</li> 
       {{--*/ $prev = $error; /*--}} 

私は{{ 'に' $のprev'の宣言を変更する必要がありました - - */$ prev = null;/* - }} 'しかし、これ以外は完全に機能しました! – James
