MS MPI 7.1がインストールされた2台のマシンがあります.1台はSERVER、もう1台はCOMPUTEです。 マシンはLAN上で簡単なWindowsワークグループ(DAなし)でセットアップされ、両方とも同じ名前とパスワードのアカウントを持っています。MS MPI許可エラー
どちらもMSMPILaunchSvcサービスを実行しています。 両方のマシンは、マシン自身の端末で
SERVER> mpiexec -hosts 1 SERVER 1 hostname
COMPUTE> mpiexec -hosts 1 COMPUTE 1 hostname
SERVER> mpiexec -hosts 1 COMPUTE 1 hostname -pwd
ERROR: Failed RpcCliCreateContext error 1722
Aborting: mpiexec on SERVER is unable to connect to the smpd service on COMPUTE:8677
Other MPI error, error stack:
connect failed - The RPC server is unavailable. (errno 1722)
私の問題は、私はMPIは、リモートホスト上のサーバからジョブを実行するために得ることができないです私はときどきパスワードを入力するよう求められます。それはSERVER \ MaartenをCOMPUTEのユーザーとして示唆しています。私はすでにSERVERと同じようにログインしているアカウントで、COMPUTEには存在してはいけません(COMPUTE \ Maarten?)。それにもかかわらず、それも失敗:
SERVER>mpiexec -hosts 1 COMPUTE 1 hostname.exe -pwd
Enter Password for SERVER\Maarten:
Save Credentials[y|n]? n
ERROR: Failed to connect to SMPD Manager Instance error 1726
Aborting: mpiexec on SERVER is unable to connect to the
smpd manager on COMPUTE:50915 error 1726
COMPUTE> mpiexec -hosts 1 SERVER 1 hostname -pwd
ERROR: Failed RpcCliCreateContext error 5
Aborting: mpiexec on COMPUTE is unable to connect to the smpd service on SERVER:8677
Other MPI error, error stack:
connect failed - Access is denied. (errno 5)
3と> SERVER:MSMPILaunchSvcとCOMPUTE - > SMPDデーモンを使用してサーバー
Aborting: mpiexec on COMPUTE is unable to connect to the smpd service on SERVER:8677
Other MPI error, error stack:
connect failed - Access is denied. (errno 5)
4:SERVER with MSMPILaunchSvc - > COMPUTE with smpd daemon
ERROR: Failed to connect to SMPD Manager Instance error 1726
Aborting: mpiexec on SERVER is unable to connect to the smpd manager on
COMPUTE:51022 error 1726
[-1:9796] Authentication completed. Successfully obtained Context for Client.
[-1:9796] version check complete, using PMP version 3.
[-1:9796] create manager process (using smpd daemon credentials)
[-1:9796] smpd reading the port string from the manager
[-1:9848] Launching smpd manager instance.
[-1:9848] created set for manager listener, 376
[-1:9848] smpd manager listening on port 51149
[-1:9796] closing the pipe to the manager
[-1:9848] Authentication completed. Successfully obtained Context for Client.
[-1:9848] Authorization completed.
[-1:9848] version check complete, using PMP version 3.
[-1:9848] Received session header from parent id=1, parent=0, level=0
[01:9848] Connecting back to parent using host SERVER and endpoint 17979
[01:9848] Previous attempt failed with error 5, trying to authenticate without Kerberos
[01:9848] Failed to connect back to parent error 5.
[01:9848] ERROR: Failed to connect back to parent 'ncacn_ip_tcp:SERVER:17979' error 5
[01:9848] smpd manager successfully stopped listening.
[01:9848] SMPD exiting with error code 4294967293.
[-1:12264] Launching SMPD service.
[-1:12264] smpd listening on port 8677
[-1:12264] Authentication completed. Successfully obtained Context for Client.
[-1:12264] version check complete, using PMP version 3.
[-1:12264] create manager process (using smpd daemon credentials)
[-1:12264] smpd reading the port string from the manager
[-1:16668] Launching smpd manager instance.
[-1:16668] created set for manager listener, 364
[-1:16668] smpd manager listening on port 18033
[-1:12264] closing the pipe to the manager
[-1:16668] Authentication completed. Successfully obtained Context for Client.
[-1:16668] Authorization completed.
[-1:16668] version check complete, using PMP version 3.
[-1:16668] Received session header from parent id=1, parent=0, level=0
[01:16668] Connecting back to parent using host SERVER and endpoint 18031
[01:16668] Authentication completed. Successfully obtained Context for Client.
[01:16668] Authorization completed.
[01:16668] handling command SMPD_CONNECT src=0
[01:16668] now connecting to COMPUTE
[01:16668] 1 -> 2 : returning SMPD_CONTEXT_LEFT_CHILD
[01:16668] using spn msmpi/COMPUTE to contact server
[01:16668] SERVER posting a re-connect to COMPUTE:51161 in left child context.
[01:16668] ERROR: Failed to connect to SMPD Manager Instance error 1726
[01:16668] sending abort command to parent context.
[01:16668] posting command SMPD_ABORT to parent, src=1, dest=0.
[01:16668] ERROR: smpd running on SERVER is unable to connect to smpd service on COMPUTE:8677
[01:16668] Handling cmd=SMPD_ABORT result
[01:16668] cmd=SMPD_ABORT result will be handled locally
[01:16668] parent terminated unexpectedly - initiating cleaning up.
[01:16668] no child processes to kill - exiting with error code -1