function compress_png($path_to_png_file, $max_quality = 90)
if (!file_exists($path_to_png_file)) {
throw new Exception("File does not exist: $path_to_png_file");
// guarantee that quality won't be worse than that.
$min_quality = 60;
// '-' makes it use stdout, required to save to $compressed_png_content variable
// '<' makes it read from the given file path
// escapeshellarg() makes this safe to use with any path
$compressed_png_content = shell_exec("pngquant --quality=$min_quality-$max_quality - < ".escapeshellarg( $path_to_png_file));
if (!$compressed_png_content) {
throw new Exception("Conversion to compressed PNG failed. Is pngquant 1.8+ installed on the server?");
return $compressed_png_content;
$download_url = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/PNG_transparency_demonstration_1.png";
// maximum execution time in seconds
set_time_limit (24 * 60 * 60);
// folder to save downloaded files to. must end with slash
$destination_folder = '/IMAGES/';
$ImageName = "testing_pngquant_image3.png";
$CompressedImageName = "testing_pngquant_image_compressed3.png";
$url = $download_url;
$newfname = $destination_folder . $ImageName;
$file = fopen ($url, "rb");
if ($file) {
$newf = fopen ($newfname, "wb");
if ($newf)
while(!feof($file)) {
fwrite($newf, fread($file, 1024 * 8), 1024 * 8);
if ($file) {
if ($newf) {
$path_to_uncompressed_file = $newfname;
$path_to_compressed_file = $destination_folder . $CompressedImageName;
// this will ensure that $path_to_compressed_file points to compressed file
// and avoid re-compressing if it's been done already
if (!file_exists($path_to_compressed_file)) {
file_put_contents($path_to_compressed_file, compress_png($path_to_uncompressed_file));
// and now, for example, you can output the compressed file:
header("Content-Type: image/png");
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($path_to_compressed_file));