方法についてrowsBetweenとrangeBetweenの違いは何ですか? PySparkドキュメントから
rangeBetween(start, end)
Defines the frame boundaries, from start (inclusive) to end (inclusive).
Both start and end are relative from the current row. For example, “0” means “current row”, while “-1” means one off before the current row, and “5” means the five off after the current row.
start – boundary start, inclusive. The frame is unbounded if this is -sys.maxsize (or lower).
end – boundary end, inclusive. The frame is unbounded if this is sys.maxsize (or higher).
New in version 1.4.
rowsBetween(start, end)
Defines the frame boundaries, from start (inclusive) to end (inclusive).
Both start and end are relative positions from the current row. For example, “0” means “current row”, while “-1” means the row before the current row, and “5” means the fifth row after the current row.
start – boundary start, inclusive. The frame is unbounded if this is -sys.maxsize (or lower).
end – boundary end, inclusive. The frame is unbounded if this is sys.maxsize (or higher).
New in version 1.4.
は、例えば、 "1行目" とは異なる "1オフ" ですか?