2017-03-13 21 views


私が助けが必要なのは、このコードの中にplayAgainループを置くことです。 「もう一度やりたいですか(Y/N)」と言うべきです。その後、ユーザーの文字列またはcharが取得され、プログラムが再び実行されるか、プログラムが終了します(ユーザーの入力内容に応じて)。


import java.util.*; 

Guessing Game Group Project. This game will ask for two numbers to set the range, 

public class Guess1 
    public static void main(String [] args) 
     Scanner S = new Scanner(System.in);                                //Introduction Statement to game 
     System.out.println("This is a guessing game. I will ask you for two numbers."); 
     System.out.println("I will choose a random number between your two numbers for you " + "\n" + "to try and guess. As you guess, I will give you hints."); 

     System.out.print("Choose two numbers to bound your range: ");                         //Scanner to store user's input for the range 
     int u1 = S.nextInt(); 
     int u2 = S.nextInt(); 
     int guess; 
     int count = 0; // = 0 new 
     String playAgain; 

     int high; 
     int low; 
     if(u1 < u2) 
      high = u2; 
      low = u1; 
      high = u1; 
      low = u2; 
     Random gen = new Random(); 
     int rand = gen.nextInt(high-low+1) + low; 
     System.out.println("Now guess a number between " + low + " and " + high + ": "); 
     guess = S.nextInt(); 
     while(guess != rand) 
      if (guess > high || guess < low) 
       System.out.println("Out of range. Please follow the directions dumb-ass."); 
      else if(guess > rand) 
       high = guess; 
       System.out.println("Too high!"); 
       low = guess; 
       System.out.println("Too low!"); 

      System.out.print("Now guess a number between " + low + " and " + high + ": "); 
      guess = S.nextInt(); 

      if(guess == rand) 
       System.out.println("You got it!"); 
      else if(count == 10) 
       System.out.println("You lost! So Sorry."); 




続きの質問をするゲームの本体の周りに2番目のループが必要です。プレイヤーが「いいえ」と答えた場合は、終了することができます。 Scannerのjavaドキュメントを参照してください。
