私はGoogleドライブAPIを使い、Googleドライブに画像をアップロードする簡単なアプリケーションを構築しようとしています。ユーザーがサインインすると、アプリはアップロードされるはずですが、GoogleドライブAPI GTLRDriveServiceの許可
"2017-09-14 00:55:20.342237-0400 driveTest [6705:1647551]エラーが発生しました:エラードメイン:エラードメイン= com.google.GTLRErrorObjectDomainコード= 403 "が不足許可" のUserInfo = {GTLRStructuredError = GTLRErrorObject 0x1c4251d30:{メッセージ: "十分な権限が" エラー:[1]コード:403}、NSLocalizedDescription =不十分許可}」私は
私はuserSetUpオブジェクトをインスタンス化し、私はuserSetUpなどの客観Cで書かれていると私はそれをインスタンス化することができる午前としてそれが正しくブリッジされsetUpUser = userSetUp() setUpUser.initSetup(サービス)
を聞かせて 迅速に書かれた私のviewcontrollerファイルで。
UserSetUp :::::::
#import "userSetUp.h"
#import <GoogleSignIn/GoogleSignIn.h>
@import GoogleAPIClientForREST;
@implementation userSetUp
- (void) initSetup:(GTLRDriveService *) driveService {
//GTLRDriveService *driveService = [GTLRDriveService new];
//NSData *fileData = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath:@"files/apple.jpg"];
NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"apple" ofType:@"jpg"];
NSData *fileData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
GTLRDrive_File *metadata = [GTLRDrive_File object];
metadata.name = @"apple.jpg";
//metadata.mimeType = @"application/vnd.google-apps.document";
GTLRUploadParameters *uploadParameters = [GTLRUploadParameters uploadParametersWithData:fileData
uploadParameters.shouldUploadWithSingleRequest = TRUE;
GTLRDriveQuery_FilesCreate *query = [GTLRDriveQuery_FilesCreate queryWithObject:metadata
query.fields = @"id";
[driveService executeQuery:query completionHandler:^(GTLRServiceTicket *ticket,
GTLRDrive_File *file,
NSError *error) {
if (error == nil) {
//NSLog(@"File ID %@", file.identifier);
printf("it worked");
} else {
NSLog(@"An error occurred: %@", error);
printf("upload complete!");
とのViewController。迅速 輸入GoogleAPIClientForREST 輸入GoogleSignIn 輸入のUIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, GIDSignInDelegate, GIDSignInUIDelegate {
// If modifying these scopes, delete your previously saved credentials by
// resetting the iOS simulator or uninstall the app.
private let scopes = [kGTLRAuthScopeDriveReadonly]
let service = GTLRDriveService()
let signInButton = GIDSignInButton()
let output = UITextView()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Configure Google Sign-in.
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().delegate = self
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().uiDelegate = self
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().scopes = scopes
signInButton.frame = CGRect(x: view.frame.width/2 - signInButton.frame.width , y: view.frame.height/2, width: signInButton.frame.width, height: signInButton.frame.height)
// Add the sign-in button.
// Add a UITextView to display output.
output.frame = view.bounds
output.isEditable = false
output.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 20, left: 0, bottom: 20, right: 0)
output.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleHeight, .flexibleWidth]
output.isHidden = true
//let itsASetup()
func sign(_ signIn: GIDSignIn!, didSignInFor user: GIDGoogleUser!,
withError error: Error!) {
if let error = error {
showAlert(title: "Authentication Error", message: error.localizedDescription)
self.service.authorizer = nil
} else {
self.signInButton.isHidden = true
self.output.isHidden = false
self.service.authorizer = user.authentication.fetcherAuthorizer()
// List up to 10 files in Drive
func listFiles() {
let query = GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList.query()
query.pageSize = 10
delegate: self,
didFinish: #selector(displayResultWithTicket(ticket:finishedWithObject:error:))
// Process the response and display output
@objc func displayResultWithTicket(ticket: GTLRServiceTicket,
finishedWithObject result : GTLRDrive_FileList,
error : NSError?) {
if let error = error {
showAlert(title: "Error", message: error.localizedDescription)
var text = "";
if let files = result.files, !files.isEmpty {
text += "Files:\n"
for file in files {
text += "\(file.name!) (\(file.identifier!))\n"
} else {
text += "No files found."
output.text = text
let setUpUser = userSetUp()
// Helper for showing an alert
func showAlert(title : String, message: String) {
let alert = UIAlertController(
title: title,
message: message,
preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert
let ok = UIAlertAction(
title: "OK",
style: UIAlertActionStyle.default,
handler: nil
present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
そんなにこれが働いてありがとう! – JustANoob