#define base url for region (ie site where multiple locations are)
url <- "http://tbone.biol.sc.edu/tide/sites_uswest.html"
#read html from page and extract hyperlinks
#view url to see list of links for multiple locations
l <- url %>%read_html()%>%
html_nodes("a") %>% html_attr("href")
# grep only tideshow pattern to get vector of site links
# grep allows filtering/subsetting using a partial string
sites <- l[grep("*tideshow*", l)]
# remove everything before 'site=' to get correct formatting for url site names
sites <- gsub(".*site=", "", sites)
#generate vector of sites of interest
#don't need to use regex to create the vector;
#you can manipulate the list of sites however you prefer
#here, used | for "or" value for selecting multiple sites at once
sites <- sites[grep("(Waldport\\%2C\\+Alsea|South\\+Beach\\%2C\\+Yaquina|Charleston\\%2C\\+Oregon)(?!.*\\%282\\%29)", sites, perl=TRUE)]
#define starting date of data
year <- "2016"
month <- "01"
day <- "01"
#define number of days for prediction
numberofdays = 366 +365 #no. of days in 2016 + no. days in 2017
# lapply through the site vector, x represents site.
# This will pull data from each site in the vector "sites", and bind it together in a list
o <- lapply(sites, function(x){
# paste together file path using generalized cgi address and defined parameters
path<- paste0("http://tbone.biol.sc.edu/tide/tideshow.cgi?type=table;tplotdir=horiz;gx=640;gy=240;caltype=ndp;interval=00%3A01;glen=",
numberofdays ,
"year=", year, ";month=", month, ";day=", day,
# use ReadLines to bring in table from each file.
d <- readLines(path, warn=FALSE)
# extract site name
site <- str_extract(string = d[grep("<h2>", d)][1], pattern = "(?<=<h2>)(.*?)(?=</h2>)")
# extract coordinates
coord <- gsub(".*<pre>", "", d[grep("<h2>", d)][1])
# get tide data lines
data <- d[grep("\\d{4}[-]\\d{1,2}[-]\\d{1,2}", d) ]
# bind columns together
all <- cbind(site,coord, data)
# bind data.frame from list
df <- ldply(o, rbind.data.frame)
# bind site and coordinate columns with split data columns
tides <- cbind(df[c(1,2)] , str_split_fixed(df$data, "\\s+", 6))
names(tides) <- c("site", "coordinates", "date", "time", "tz", "depth", "units", "tide")
そのサイトは本当に誰もそれを掻き立てることを望まない(http://tbone.biol.sc.edu/robots.txt)。しかし、[それが表示しているソフトウェア](http://www.flaterco.com/xtide/index.html)は無料です。 – alistaire
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/TideTables/index.html&https://beckmw.wordpress.com/2017/04/12/predicting-tides-in-r/&http: //lukemiller.org/index.php/2016/09/rtide-ar-package-for-predicting-tide-heights-us-locations-only-currently/&... OH、特にhttps://github.com/poissonconsulting//これらのリンクを見たのは – hrbrmstr
です。私は潮の予測には興味がありません。このサイトで私のために行われます。このサイトは、旅行を計画するときに「典型的な収穫機」が使用するものとして使用しているので重要です。私はcsvとしてエクスポートすることができましたが、目標はサイトから直接情報を収集することでした。 – KVininska