jqueryを使用しているイベントに対してmouseoutのスクロールバー&を表示しています。今度は、そのタスクにfadeOutとfadeInトランジションを適用したいと思います。スクロールは適切にfadeOutですが、コンテンツを持つdivタグ全体がfadeOutの後に隠されています。私のタスクを達成する方法を教えてください....(私のコードが正しいとはわかりません)。ここでFadeOut Scrollbar on MouseOverイベント
<title> New Document </title>
<meta name="Generator" content="EditPlus">
<meta name="Author" content="">
<meta name="Keywords" content="">
<meta name="Description" content="">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
border:2px solid red;
This is the recommended version of jQuery to use for your application. The code in here should be stable and usable in all modern browsers.
The minified versions, while having a larger file size than the packed versions (note: packed version is not available in current release), are generally the best versions to use on production deployments. The packed versions require non-trivial client-side processing time to uncompress (unpack) the code whereas the minified versions do not. The packed versions of jQuery will take less time to download than the minified or uncompressed versions; however, each time the library is loaded (initially or from the browser cache) it will need to be uncompressed which will cause a non-trivial delay in the execution of any jQuery code each time it is loaded.