LoopBack/StrongLoop-IBMプロジェクトで特定のupdatePasswordリモートメソッドを実装する "完全な"ソリューションがここにあります。 loopback-datasource-juggler
パッケージのバージョンが2.45.1(npm list loopback-datasource-juggler
)以上かどうかを確認してください。 私のユーザモデルはMyUserModel
module.exports = function (MyUserModel) {
MyUserModel.updatePassword = function (ctx, emailVerify, oldPassword, newPassword, cb) {
var newErrMsg, newErr;
try {
this.findOne({where: {id: ctx.req.accessToken.userId, email: emailVerify}}, function (err, user) {
if (err) {
} else if (!user) {
newErrMsg = "No match between provided current logged user and email";
newErr = new Error(newErrMsg);
newErr.statusCode = 401;
newErr.code = 'LOGIN_FAILED_EMAIL';
} else {
user.hasPassword(oldPassword, function (err, isMatch) {
if (isMatch) {
// TODO ...further verifications should be done here (e.g. non-empty new password, complex enough password etc.)...
user.updateAttributes({'password': newPassword}, function (err, instance) {
if (err) {
} else {
cb(null, true);
} else {
newErrMsg = 'User specified wrong current password !';
newErr = new Error(newErrMsg);
newErr.statusCode = 401;
newErr.code = 'LOGIN_FAILED_PWD';
return cb(newErr);
} catch (err) {
description: "Allows a logged user to change his/her password.",
http: {verb: 'put'},
accepts: [
{arg: 'ctx', type: 'object', http: {source: 'context'}},
{arg: 'emailVerify', type: 'string', required: true, description: "The user email, just for verification"},
{arg: 'oldPassword', type: 'string', required: true, description: "The user old password"},
{arg: 'newPassword', type: 'string', required: true, description: "The user NEW password"}
returns: {arg: 'passwordChange', type: 'boolean'}
"name": "MyUserModel",
"base": "User",
"acls": [
"comment":"allow authenticated users to change their password",
"accessType": "EXECUTE",
"principalType": "ROLE",
"principalId": "$authenticated",
"permission": "ALLOW"
NB: The same functionality can be performed using a PUT request on MyUserModel and just specifying { "password":"...newpassword..."} in the body. But it probably is more convenient to have a specific remote method than this trick in order to enforce security policy on the new password.
これは私が 'TypeError:user.hashPasswordは関数ではありません.'私は何が欠けていますか? –
私は 'User.hashPassword(req.body.password)'を使用しましたが、それは魅力的な働きをしました..ありがとうございました! –
@VickyGonsalvesループバックで何かを見つけられない場合は、いつでもソースコードをチェックしてください。それは大変役に立ちます –