2017-08-23 13 views

私はプロジェクトを引き継ぎ、既に存在するものを最適化しようとしています。現時点で最大の課題の1つは、提供される画像が準最適であることです。 ストレージには80,000以上のイメージがあり、すべてをループしてイメージを圧縮して古いファイルを上書きできるスクリプトのために訴えてきました。Azure Blobストレージに既に画像を圧縮








     Optimizes image file size for all PNG and JPG images in a Microsoft Azure blob storage 
     container by processing them locally and replacing their content with the optimized result. 

     Image files are often needlessly oversized and can be compressed without quality loss using 
     widely-available utilities. Microsoft Azure provides a blob storage service that can be used 
     to host publicly-accessible images for websites or other purposes. For containers with large 
     numbers of suboptimal images or for bulk optimization, this script optimizes all images in 
     a blob storage container with a single action. 

     When run the script prompts for Azure credentials if not already present in the PowerShell session. 
     It then connects and interactively allows the user to select a subscription, storage account, and container 
     where the images reside. It then downloads each file (those blobs with png or jpg/jpeg extensions), 
     optimizes using jpegtran.exe and optipng.exe utilities, and uploads the result to the blob. 

     Upon upload the blob is marked as optimized using custom metadata. This allows the script to be run 
     again without reprocessing optimzed images. 

     The open source jpegtran.exe and optipng.exe executable files must exist in the same directory 
     as the script. In addition, the Azure PowerShell module must be installed. 

    .PARAMETER PromptCredentials 
     By default the script will connect to Azure with any existing credentials that have been used 
     in previous connections. By including this switch, the script will always prompt for credentials. 

     To run from a PowerShell prompt: 


     To run from a PowerShell prompt with credentials prompt: 

     .\Optimize-AzureBlobImages.ps1 -PromptCredentials 


     No objects returned. 

     For more details and implementation guidance, see the associated documentation at https://automys.com 

    [switch]$PromptCredentials = $false, 

    $Command # Placeholder parameter to workaround Windows 7 right-click run bug. Not used. 

Write-Host Hello 

# Verify Azure module installed/loaded 
if($null -ne (Get-Module -ListAvailable "Azure")) 
    Import-Module Azure 
    Write-Host "ERROR: PowerShell module for Microsoft Azure not found. Please install as described at http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/powershell-install-configure/" -ForegroundColor Red 
    Read-Host "Press [Enter] to exit..." 

# Verify optimization executable files present 
if(-not (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\optipng.exe")) 
    Write-Host "Could not find the file optipng.exe in the script file folder [$PSScriptRoot]. Please download from [http://optipng.sourceforge.net/] and copy it there. Exiting script." -ForegroundColor Red 
    Read-Host "Press [Enter] to exit..." 
if(-not (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\jpegtran.exe")) 
    Write-Host "Could not find the file jpegtran.exe in the script file folder [$PSScriptRoot]. Please download from [http://jpegclub.org/jpegtran/] and copy it there. Exiting script." -ForegroundColor Red 
    Read-Host "Press [Enter] to exit..." 

# Prompt for credentials if none are stored or user specified to prompt 
Write-Host Connecting to Azure... 
if($PromptCredentials -eq $true -or (Get-AzureAccount).Count -eq 0) 

# Get subscriptions 
$subscriptions = @() 
$subscriptions += Get-AzureSubscription 

if($subscriptions.Count -eq 0) 
    Write-Host "No subscriptions were found for this account" -ForegroundColor Red 
    Read-Host "Press [Enter] to exit..." 

# If more than one subscription available, show a selection prompt to user 
if($subscriptions.Count -gt 1) 
    $choices = @() 
    $i = 0 
    foreach($subscription in $subscriptions) 
     $choice = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$i. $($subscription.SubscriptionName)","Use this subscription" 
     $choices += $choice 

    $cancelChoice = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "(&Cancel)","Exits the script" 
    $choices += $cancelChoice 

    # Prompt the user select subscription 
    $title = "Select Azure Subscription" 
    $message = "More than one Azure subscription is available. Which one contains the target storage account?" 
    $selectionIndex = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $choices, 0) 

    if($choices[$selectionIndex].Label -eq "(Cancel)") 
     Write-Host Script cancelled 

    $targetSubscription = $subscriptions[$selectionIndex].SubscriptionName 
    $targetSubscription = $subscriptions[0].SubscriptionName 
    Write-Host Defaulting to only subscription found 

# Set current subscription 
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $targetSubscription 
Write-Host "Using subscription: [$targetSubscription]" -ForegroundColor Green 

# Get available storage accounts 
$storageAccounts = @() 
$storageAccounts += Get-AzureStorageAccount -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 

if($storageAccounts.Count -eq 0) 
    Write-Host "No storage accounts were found in the subscription [$targetSubscription]. Exiting script." -ForegroundColor Red 
    Read-Host "Press [Enter] to exit..." 

# If more than one storage account available, show a selection prompt to user 
if($storageAccounts.Count -gt 1) 
    $choices = @() 
    $i = 0 
    foreach($storageAccount in $storageAccounts) 
     $choice = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$i. $($storageAccount.StorageAccountName)","Use this storage account" 
     $choices += $choice 

    $cancelChoice = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "(&Cancel)","Exits the script" 
    $choices += $cancelChoice 

    # Prompt the user select subscription 
    $title = "Select storage account" 
    $message = "More than one storage account is available in subscription [$targetSubscription]. Which one has the target storage container?" 
    $selectionIndex = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $choices, 0) 

    if($choices[$selectionIndex].Label -eq "(Cancel)") 
     Write-Host Script cancelled 

    $targetStorageAccount = $storageAccounts[$selectionIndex].StorageAccountName 
    $targetStorageAccount = $storageAccounts[0].StorageAccountName 
    Write-Host Defaulting to only storage account found 


# Set current storage account 
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $targetSubscription -CurrentStorageAccountName $targetStorageAccount 
Write-Host "Using storage account: [$targetStorageAccount]" -ForegroundColor Green 

# Get available storage containers 
$storageContainers = @() 
$storageContainers += Get-AzureStorageContainer 

if($storageContainers.Count -eq 0) 
    Write-Host "No containers were found in the storage account [$targetStorageAccount]. Exiting script." -ForegroundColor Red 
    Read-Host "Press [Enter] to exit..." 

# If more than one storage account available, show a selection prompt to user 
if($storageContainers.Count -gt 1) 
    $choices = @() 
    $i = 0 
    foreach($storageContainer in $storageContainers) 
     $choice = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$i. $($storageContainer.Name)","Optimize images in this container" 
     $choices += $choice 

    $cancelChoice = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "(&Cancel)","Exits the script" 
    $choices += $cancelChoice 

    # Prompt the user select subscription 
    $title = "Select storage container" 
    $message = "More than one container exists in the storage account. Which one has the images to optimize?" 
    $selectionIndex = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $choices, 0) 

    if($choices[$selectionIndex].Label -eq "(Cancel)") 
     Write-Host Script cancelled 

    $targetStorageContainer = $storageContainers[$selectionIndex].Name 
    $targetStorageContainer = $storageContainers[0].Name 
    Write-Host Defaulting to only container in the storage account 


Write-Host "Selected storage container: [$targetStorageContainer]" -ForegroundColor Green 

$sourceImages = @() 

# Get PNG images 
$sourceImages += Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $targetStorageContainer -Blob "*png" 

# Get JPG images 
$sourceImages += Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $targetStorageContainer -Blob "*jp*g" 

$totalImageCount = $sourceImages.Count 

if($totalImageCount -eq 0) 
    Write-Host "No PNG or JPG images found in the container. Exiting script." -ForegroundColor Cyan 
    Read-Host "Press [Enter] to exit..." 

# Filter to only those not marked as previously optimized 
$sourceImages = $sourceImages | where {!$_.ICloudBlob.Metadata.ContainsKey("optimized")} 

if($sourceImages.Count -eq 0) 
    Write-Host "All [ $totalImageCount ] images in the container are marked as previously optimized (with 'optimized = true' custom metadata value). Exiting script" -ForegroundColor Cyan 
    Read-Host "Press [Enter] to exit..." 

# Prompt the user for confirmation 
if($ConfirmPreference -eq "High") 
    $title = "Confirm Optimization" 
    $message = "Do you want to optimize and overwrite [ $($sourceImages.Count) ] PNG and JPG image blobs in the container [$targetStorageAccount\$targetStorageContainer]?" 
    $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes","Performs optimization" 
    $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No","Cancels the script" 
    $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no) 
    $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0) 

    switch ($result) 
     0 { 
      Write-Host "`nOK, giddy up...`n" 
     1 { 
      Write-Host "`nNo worries. Action cancelled." 

$tempDirectory = $env:TEMP 

foreach($image in $sourceImages) 
    $optimized = $false 

    # Download image blob to file 
    $imageFilePath = "$tempDirectory\$($image.Name)" 
    $image | Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Destination $tempDirectory -Force | Out-Null 
    $initialSize = Get-ChildItem $imageFilePath | select -ExpandProperty Length 

    Write-Host Processing $image.Name ... 

    if($image.Name -like "*png") 
     # Optimize with optipng.exe and save output to variable 
     &"$PSScriptRoot\optipng.exe" $imageFilePath 2>&1 | Tee-Object -Variable result | Out-Null 
     if(($result -match "Input file size|already optimized" | Measure | select -ExpandProperty Count) -gt 0) 
      $optimized = $true 
    elseif($image.Name -like "*jp*g") 
     # Optimize with jpegtran.exe and save output to variable 
     &"$PSScriptRoot\jpegtran.exe" -optimize -verbose $imageFilePath $imageFilePath 2>&1 | Tee-Object -Variable result | Out-Null 
     if(($result -match "End of Image" | Measure | select -ExpandProperty Count) -gt 0) 
      $optimized = $true 
     Write-Host "Skipping file with unexpected extension: [$imageFilePath]" -ForegroundColor Yellow 

    $processedSize = Get-ChildItem $imageFilePath | select -ExpandProperty Length 
    [int]$savingsPercent = ($initialSize - $processedSize)/$initialSize * 100 
    Write-Host `tSaved ($initialSize - $processedSize) bytes [ $savingsPercent% ] 

    if($optimized -eq $true) 
     # Upload optimized file to replace blob, retaining all existing metadata and adding a custom "optimized=true" marker to prevent future attempts 
     $metadata = @{"optimized" = "true"} 
     Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $imageFilePath -Container $targetStorageContainer -Metadata $metadata -Force | Out-Null 

    # Remove temp file 
    Remove-Item $imageFilePath 

Write-Host `nOptimization complete! -ForegroundColor Green 



最適化された画像を同じ場所に配置しますか? –


これは正しいです。プロセスが開始される前の場所で最適化されていないイメージを上書きします。 – Hazonko


このコード行を変更してみてください。 'Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $ imageFilePath -Container $ targetStorageContainer -Metadata $ metadata -Force | Out-Null'を 'Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $ imageFilePath -Container $ targetStorageContainer -Blob $ image.Name -Metadata $ metadata -Forceに設定します。アウトナル。 –



Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $imageFilePath -Container $targetStorageContainer -Blob $image.Name -Metadata $metadata -Force | Out-Null. 


Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $imageFilePath -Container $targetStorageContainer -Metadata $metadata -Force | Out-Null 

