(noobの/初心者)ここで私が行っている多くの検索をフォルダにファイルを複製しますが、これは私が新しく作成したフォルダに事前に決定された位置から複製ファイルを取得しようとしていますのAppleScript - オンライン
スクリプトは、基本的には数ビットの情報を要求し、infoと定義済みのフォルダセットを使用してフォルダ構造を作成します。そこから、テンプレートファイル(.psd .fcpbundleなど)をHDD上のテンプレートフォルダからコピーしたいと思うでしょう。次のようにファイルをコピーしようとするまで
tell application "Finder"
set JobName to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter the wedding date" default answer "YYYY/MM/DD") --Asks for date of wedding
set DT to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter the couples name" default answer "Bride & Groom + Surname") --Asks for couples name
set Wedding to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter the type of day" default answer "Wedding") --Asks for type of day, Wedding, Party, etc
--Creates directory with info from above
set loc to choose folder "Please choose where you would like to save the files" --Loc = Location of where directory will be placed
set newfoldername to JobName & " - " & DT & " - " & Wedding --Adds Date, Couples name and event type to make directory name
--Creates parent directory
set newfo to make new folder at loc with properties {name:newfoldername} --Directory name defined
set audio to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"Audio"} --creates Audio Directory
set doc to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"Documents"} --creates Documents Directory
set exports to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"Exports"} --creates Exports Directory
set fpcx to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"FCPX Library"} --creates FCPX Directory
set filmposter to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"Film Poster"} --creates FilmPoster Directory
set finaldel to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"Final Delivery"} --creates Final Delivery Directory
set images to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"Images"} --creates Images Directory
set rawcards to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"RAW Cards"} --creates RAW Cards Directory
set xml to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"XML"} --creates XML Directory
--Creates sub-folders
set submusic to make new folder at audio with properties {name:"Music"} --creates Music in Audio Directory
set subrawaudio to make new folder at audio with properties {name:"RAW Audio Cards"} --creates RAW Audio Cards in Audio Directory
set subdvd to make new folder at finaldel with properties {name:"DVD"} --creates DVD in Final Delivery Directory
set subusb to make new folder at finaldel with properties {name:"USB"} --creates USB in Final Delivery Directory
set subweb to make new folder at finaldel with properties {name:"WEB"} --creates WEB in Final Delivery Directory
set subgraphics to make new folder at images with properties {name:"Graphics"} --creates Graphics in Images Directory
set substills to make new folder at images with properties {name:"Stills"} --creates Stills in Graphics Directory
set subcam_1 to make new folder at rawcards with properties {name:"Cam-1"} --creates Cam-1 in RAW Cards Directory
set subcam_2 to make new folder at rawcards with properties {name:"Cam-2"} --creates Cam-2 in RAW Cards Directory
set subcam_3 to make new folder at rawcards with properties {name:"Cam-3"} --creates Cam-3 in RAW Cards Directory
--Moves files from template directory to working directory
set sourceFile to POSIX file "/Users/ricoh-admin/Movies/WeddingTemplate Creator/2005_0001.rtf"
set destFolder to POSIX file "loc & finaldel & subdvd"
tell application "Finder"
duplicate POSIX file sourceFile to destFolder
end tell
これは治療のように働いているようですが、初心者のファイルを圧縮しているのが分かります。 –
Finderを使用するときに必ずしも混乱するとは限りません。 'mkdir'は単なるもう一つの強力なアプローチです。 – vadian