public interface IApiExplorer
Collection<ApiDescription> ApiDescriptions { get; }
API説明クラスは、API操作に関する様々な情報が含まれており、それが闊歩UIページを構築するためにSwashbuckleで使用されるものです。 1つの問題のあるプロパティ:ActionDescriptor
があります。これは、asp.net mvcアクションを表し、我々はアクションを持っていない、我々はコントローラを持っていない。あなたは、それの偽の実装を使用するか、asp.net HttpActionDescriptorの動作を模倣し、実際の値を提供することができます。簡単にするために、我々は最初のルートに移動します:
class DummyActionDescriptor : HttpActionDescriptor {
public DummyActionDescriptor(Type messageType, Type returnType) {
this.ControllerDescriptor = new DummyControllerDescriptor() {
ControllerName = "Message Handlers"
this.ActionName = messageType.Name;
this.ReturnType = returnType;
public override Collection<HttpParameterDescriptor> GetParameters() {
// note you might provide properties of your message class and HttpParameterDescriptor here
return new Collection<HttpParameterDescriptor>();
public override string ActionName { get; }
public override Type ReturnType { get; }
public override Task<object> ExecuteAsync(HttpControllerContext controllerContext, IDictionary<string, object> arguments, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
// will never be called by swagger
throw new NotSupportedException();
class DummyControllerDescriptor : HttpControllerDescriptor {
public override Collection<T> GetCustomAttributes<T>() {
// note you might provide some asp.net attributes here
return new Collection<T>();
class MessageAttribute : Attribute {
public string Url { get; }
public string Description { get; }
public MessageAttribute(string url, string description = null) {
Url = url;
Description = description;
class RespondsWithAttribute : Attribute {
public Type Type { get; }
public RespondsWithAttribute(Type type) {
Type = type;
abstract class BaseMessage {
[Message("/api/commands/CreateOrder", "This command creates new order")]
class CreateOrderCommand : BaseMessage {
class CreateOrderResponse {
public long OrderID { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
class MessageHandlerApiExplorer : IApiExplorer {
private readonly ApiExplorer _proxy;
public MessageHandlerApiExplorer() {
_proxy = new ApiExplorer(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration);
_descriptions = new Lazy<Collection<ApiDescription>>(GetDescriptions, true);
private readonly Lazy<Collection<ApiDescription>> _descriptions;
private Collection<ApiDescription> GetDescriptions() {
var desc = _proxy.ApiDescriptions;
foreach (var handlerDesc in ReadDescriptionsFromHandlers()) {
return desc;
public Collection<ApiDescription> ApiDescriptions => _descriptions.Value;
private IEnumerable<ApiDescription> ReadDescriptionsFromHandlers() {
foreach (var msg in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(c => typeof(BaseMessage).IsAssignableFrom(c))) {
var urlAttr = msg.GetCustomAttribute<MessageAttribute>();
var respondsWith = msg.GetCustomAttribute<RespondsWithAttribute>();
if (urlAttr != null && respondsWith != null) {
var desc = new ApiDescription() {
HttpMethod = HttpMethod.Get, // grab it from some attribute
RelativePath = urlAttr.Url,
Documentation = urlAttr.Description,
ActionDescriptor = new DummyActionDescriptor(msg, respondsWith.Type)
var response = new ResponseDescription() {
DeclaredType = respondsWith.Type,
ResponseType = respondsWith.Type,
Documentation = "This is some response documentation you grabbed from some other attribute"
desc.GetType().GetProperty(nameof(desc.ResponseDescription)).GetSetMethod(true).Invoke(desc, new object[] {response});
yield return desc;
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Services.Replace(typeof(IApiExplorer), new MessageHandlerApiExplorer());

必要ですドキュメンテーション? – Evk
@Evkスワッシュバックルを伸ばすことは絶対にありません。 – Steven
メッセージハンドラをどのように文書化していますか?いくつかのカスタム属性でメッセージクラス自体を飾る? – Evk