私はいくつかのPythonアプリケーションをApp Engine 標準環境で数年間実行していました。最後に成功したデプロイメントは2017年4月7日です。コマンド:私は次のエラーを受信してい標準のApp Engineプロジェクトがフレキシブルに間違ってデプロイされました
gcloud.cmd app deploy --project <redacted-project-id> -v 5 --promote --quiet
Updated property [core/project].
Services to deploy:
descriptor: [D:\Projects\appengine\app.yaml]
source: [D:\Projects\appengine]
target project: [<redacted-project-id>]
target service: [default]
target version: [5]
target url: [https://<redacted-project-id>.appspot.com]
If this is your first deployment, this may take a while...failed.
WARNING: We couldn't validate that your project is ready to deploy to App Engine Flexible Environment. If deployment fails, please check the following message and try again:
Server responded with code [400]:
Bad Request Unexpected HTTP status 400.
Failed Project Preparation (app_id='s~<redacted-project-id>'). Out of retries. Last error: Temporary error occurred while verifying project: TEMPORARY_ERROR: Operation does not satisfy the following requirements: billing-enabled {Billing must be enabled for activation of service '' in project '<redacted-project-id>' to proceed., https://console.developers.google.com/project/<redacted-project-id>/settings}
com.google.api.management.server.common.exceptions.ServiceManagementNonRetriableStorageException: Operation does not satisfy the following requirements: billing-enabled {Billing must be enabled for activation of service '' in project '<redacted-project-id>' to proceed., https://console.developers.google.com/project/<redacted-project-id>/settings}
Beginning deployment of service [default]...
Building and pushing image for service [default]
Some files were skipped. Pass `--verbosity=info` to see which ones.
You may also view the gcloud log file, found at
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) You do not have permission to access project [<redacted-project-id>] (or it may not exist): The caller does not have permission
Updated property [core/project].
Services to deploy:
descriptor: [D:\Projects\appengine\app.yaml]
source: [D:\Projects\appengine]
target project: [<redacted-project-id>]
target service: [default]
target version: [5]
target url: [https://<redacted-project-id>.appspot.com]
If this is your first deployment, this may take a while...done.
Beginning deployment of service [default]...
Building and pushing image for service [default]
Some files were skipped. Pass `--verbosity=info` to see which ones.
You may also view the gcloud log file, found at
Started cloud build [818a94e7-584a-46a2-be15-bdb304b38fd3].
To see logs in the Cloud Console: https://console.cloud.google.com/gcr/builds/818a94e7-584a-46a2-be15-bdb304b38fd3?project=<redacted-project-id>
----------------------------- REMOTE BUILD OUTPUT ------------------------------
starting build "818a94e7-584a-46a2-be15-bdb304b38fd3"
Fetching storage object: gs://staging.<redacted-project-id>.appspot.com/us.gcr.io/<redacted-project-id>/appengine/default.5:latest#1499201946081566
Copying gs://staging.<redacted-project-id>.appspot.com/us.gcr.io/<redacted-project-id>/appengine/default.5:latest#1499201946081566...
| [1 files][ 79.1 MiB/ 79.1 MiB]
Operation completed over 1 objects/79.1 MiB.
Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
Sending build context to Docker daemon 184.6MB
Step 1/2 : FROM gcr.io/google-appengine/php:latest
latest: Pulling from google-appengine/php
Digest: sha256:eeafc3e85abe6fb29b39fd87c73342527e2fdefc6ec173d55c60378e36b51fab
Status: Downloaded newer image for gcr.io/google-appengine/php:latest
# Executing 3 build triggers...
Step 1/1 : COPY . $APP_DIR
Step 1/1 : RUN chown -R www-data.www-data $APP_DIR
Command killed by keyboard interrupt
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes
default_expiration: "7d 0h"
- url: /robots.txt
static_files: static/robots.txt
upload: static/robots.txt
- url: /fonts/(.*\.otf)
static_files: static/fonts/\1
upload: static/fonts/(.*\.otf)
mime_type: application/x-font-otf
- url: /fonts/(.*\.ttf)
static_files: static/fonts/\1
upload: static/fonts/(.*\.ttf)
mime_type: application/x-font-ttf
- url: /fonts/(.*\.eot)
static_files: static/fonts/\1
upload: static/fonts/(.*\.eot)
mime_type: application/vnd.ms-fontobject
- url: /fonts/(.*\.svg)
static_files: static/fonts/\1
upload: static/fonts/(.*\.svg)
mime_type: image/svg+xml
- url: /fonts/(.*\.woff)
static_files: static/fonts/\1
upload: static/fonts/(.*\.woff)
mime_type: application/font-woff
- url: /fonts/(.*\.woff2)
static_files: static/fonts/\1
upload: static/fonts/(.*\.woff2)
mime_type: application/font-woff2
- url: /BingSiteAuth.xml
static_files: static/BingSiteAuth.xml
upload: static/BingSiteAuth.xml
- url: /favicon.ico
static_files: static/img/favicon.ico
upload: static/img/favicon.ico
- url: /(.*\.txt)
static_files: static/verification/\1
upload: static/verification/(.*\.txt)
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /tasks/.*
script: main.app
login: admin
- url: /cron/.*
script: main.app
login: admin
- url: /.*
script: main.app
- error_code: over_quota
file: static/over_quota.html
- name: webapp2
version: latest
- name: jinja2
version: latest
- name: lxml
version: latest
- name: numpy
version: "1.6.1"
- name: pycrypto
version: latest
解決策:これはバグではgcloud.cmdで展開することによって引き起こされると思われます。 、それは1つのアプリに取り組ん
python.exe -u "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\google_appengine\appcfg.py" --oauth2_credential_file=C:\Users\Brian\.appcfg_oauth2 --application=<redacted-project-id> --version=5 update appengine
少なくとも、どのように展開しているか、設定ファイルの外観を正確に表示する必要があります。 –
もちろん、私は上記の投稿を編集しました。他の情報が必要な場合はお知らせください。 4月の最後の展開と今日の間に、私は2行のコード変更のみを行い、.yamlファイルには触れていません。 –