これは初めての投稿ですが、問題が発生しています。 私は現在のヘッダとAbstractDeviceクラスがある:Java抽象、ジェネリックス、およびビルダー
public abstract class AbstractDevice<T extends AbstractDevice.Builder<T>> implements Device
:public static abstract class Builder<T>
public abstract class AbstractPeripheral<T extends AbstractPeripheral.Builder<T>> extends AbstractDevice<AbstractPeripheral.Builder>
public static abstract class Builder<T> extends AbstractDevice.Builder<Builder>.
の範囲内ではありません。おかげ 抽象デバイス:
package uxb;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public abstract class AbstractDevice<T extends AbstractDevice.Builder<T>>
implements Device{
public static abstract class Builder<T>{
private Integer version;
private Optional<Integer> productCode;
private Optional<BigInteger> serialNumber;
private List<Connector.Type> connectors;
public Builder(Integer version){
this.version = version;
} //end constructor method
public T productCode(Integer productCode){
if(productCode != null){
this.productCode = Optional.of(productCode);
} //end if statement
this.productCode = Optional.empty();
} //end else statement
return getThis();
} //end method productCode()
public T serialNumber(BigInteger serialNumber){
if(serialNumber != null){
this.serialNumber = Optional.of(serialNumber);
} //end if statement
/*Class has a static field for ZERO value*/
this.serialNumber = Optional.empty();
} //end else statement
return getThis();
} //end method serialNumber()
public T connectors(List<Connector.Type> connectors){
this.connectors = connectors;
return getThis();
} //end method connectors
protected abstract T getThis();
protected List<Connector.Type> getConnectors(){
return connectors;
} //end method getConnectors()
protected void validate(){
if(version == null){
throw new NullPointerException("Cannot be validated");
} //end method validate()
} //end nested abstract class Builder
private final Integer version;
private final Optional<Integer> productCode;
private final Optional<BigInteger> serialNumber;
private final List<Connector.Type> connectors;
private final List<Connector> connectorObjects;
protected AbstractDevice(Builder<T> builder){
this.version = builder.version;
this.productCode = builder.productCode;
this.serialNumber = builder.serialNumber;
this.connectors = builder.connectors;
ArrayList<Connector> temp = new ArrayList<Connector>();
for(int i = 0; i < connectors.size(); i++){
temp.add(new Connector(this, i, connectors.get(i)));
} //end for loop
connectorObjects = temp;
} //end constructor method
public Optional<Integer> getProductCode(){
return productCode;
} //end method getProductCode()
public Integer getConnectorCount(){
/*Not Implemented Yet*/
return 0;
} //end method getConnectorCount()
public Optional<BigInteger> getSerialNumber(){
return serialNumber;
} //end method getSerialNumber()
public Integer getVersion(){
return version;
} //end method getVersion()
public List<Connector> getConnectors(){
return new ArrayList<Connector>(connectorObjects);
} //end method getConnectors()
public Connector getConnector(int index){
if(! getConnectors().isEmpty()){
return getConnectors().get(index);
} //end if statement
return null;
} //end else statement
} //end method getConnector()
} //end abstract class AbstractDevice
要約ペリフェラル: パッケージuxb。
import java.util.List;
public abstract class AbstractPeripheral<T extends
AbstractPeripheral.Builder<T>> extends
public static abstract class Builder<T> extends
protected void validate(){
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot be validated");
} //end if statement
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot be validated");
} //end if statement
} //end method
private boolean checkTypes(List<Connector.Type> types){
for(Connector.Type type: types){
if(type != Connector.Type.PERIPHERAL){
return false;
} //end if statement
} //end for each loop
return true;
} //end method checkTypes
public Builder(Integer version){
} //end constructor method
} //end nested class Builder
public AbstractPeripheral(Builder<T> builder){
} //end class AbstractPeripheral
ハブ: パッケージuxb;
public class Hub extends AbstractDevice<Hub.Builder>{
public static class Builder extends AbstractDevice.Builder<Builder>{
public Builder(Integer version){
} //end constructor method
public Hub build(){
return new Hub(getThis());
} //end method build()
protected Builder getThis(){
return this;
} //end method getThis()
protected void validate(){
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot be validated");
} //end if statement\
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot be validated");
} //end if statement
} //end validate()
} //end nested class Builder
private Hub(Builder builder){
} //end constructor method
public DeviceClass getDeviceClass(){
return DeviceClass.HUB;
} //end method getDeviceClass()
} //end class Hub
実際のコードを掲載することはできますか? – nitinsh99
抽象オーバーフロー –
'' – Kelvin