2016-07-07 19 views

これを行う方法が必要ですが、私は方法がわかりません。 変数を参照として使用するVBA

 Set test = New clsMonth 

      With test 

       .January = 0.7136/20 
       .February = 0.6755/20 
       .March = 0.6528/20 
       .April = 0.7773/20 
       .May = 0.8213/20 
       .June = 0.8715/20 
       .July = 0.9/20 
       .August = 1.0243/20 
       .September = 1.0516/20 
       .October = 0.8514/20 
       .November = 0.7095/20 
       .December = 0.6994/20 

      End With 

Set test = New clsMonth 

        With test 

         .January = 0.7136/20 
         .February = 0.6755/20 
         .March = 0.6528/20 
         .April = 0.7773/20 
         .May = 0.8213/20 
         .June = 0.8715/20 
         .July = 0.9/20 
         .August = 1.0243/20 
         .September = 1.0516/20 
         .October = 0.8514/20 
         .November = 0.7095/20 
         .December = 0.6994/20 

        End With 

     Dim month(1 To 2) As String 

     month(1) = "March" 

     MsgBox test.month(1) 



Option Explicit 

'encapsulating values to be exposed as properties 

Private Type TMonth 
    January As Single 
    February As Single 
    March As Single 
    April As Single 
    May As Single 
    June As Single 
    July As Single 
    August As Single 
    September As Single 
    October As Single 
    November As Single 
    December As Single 
End Type 

Private this As TMonth 

'property accessors for each member 
'this "talks" to the form code to assign and retrieve values for each month 

Public Property Get January() As Single 
    January = this.January 
End Property 

Public Property Let January(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.January = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get February() As Single 
    February = this.February 
End Property 

Public Property Let February(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.February = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get March() As Single 
    March = this.March 
End Property 

Public Property Let March(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.March = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get April() As Single 
    April = this.April 
End Property 

Public Property Let April(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.April = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get May() As Single 
    May = this.May 
End Property 

Public Property Let May(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.May = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get June() As Single 
    June = this.June 
End Property 

Public Property Let June(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.June = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get July() As Single 
    July = this.July 
End Property 

Public Property Let July(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.July = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get August() As Single 
    August = this.August 
End Property 

Public Property Let August(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.August = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get September() As Single 
    September = this.September 
End Property 

Public Property Let September(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.September = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get October() As Single 
    October = this.October 
End Property 

Public Property Let October(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.October = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get November() As Single 
    November = this.November 
End Property 

Public Property Let November(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.November = value 
End Property 

Public Property Get December() As Single 
    December = this.December 
End Property 

Public Property Let December(ByVal value As Single) 
    this.December = value 
End Property 
'end of property accessors' 

Public Function ValueFor(ByVal monthName As String) As Single 'function to take month name and respond w property value 
    On Error GoTo CleanFail 

    Dim instance As Object 
    Set instance = Me 'CallByName can't take "me" directly for some reason, must create an instance of me 

    Dim result As Single 
    result = CallByName(instance, monthName, VbGet) 

    ValueFor = result 
    Exit Function 
    result = 0 
    Resume CleanExit 

End Function 

あなたは 'chillwater'、または' test'を意味していますか? 'Msgbox(CallByName test、month(1)、vbGet)'を試してください。 –


申し訳ありませんが、テストするのにすべてを変更しようとしましたが、病気のようにそれを試してみてください。長い日、CallByNameを忘れた – ct4242


私はこのコードを見たことがあります...そして、私は特にそれに対処するために 'CallByName'を使って覚えています。 –



あなたはValueFor機能がそうのように、monthNameOrIndex As Variantを受け入れるようにすることを微調整することができます:

Public Function ValueFor(ByVal monthNameOrIndex As Variant) As Single 
    On Error GoTo CleanFail 

    Dim name As String 
    If IsNumeric(monthNameOrIndex) Then 
     name = MonthName(monthNameOrIndex) 
     name = CStr(monthNameOrIndex) 
    End If 

    Dim instance As Object 
    Set instance = Me 'CallByName can't take "Me" directly 

    Dim result As Single 
    result = CallByName(instance, name, VbGet) 

    ValueFor = result 
    Exit Function 
    result = 0 
    Resume CleanExit 
End Function 


MsgBox test.ValueFor(3) 


MsgBox test.ValueFor("March") 


Dim month(1 To 2) As String 

month(1) = "March" 

MsgBox test.month(1) 


Dim month(1 To 2) As String 
month(1) = "March" 

MsgBox test.ValueFor(month(1)) 
'same: text.ValueFor("March") 

をクリックしてください!今や意味をなさないありがとう、マット!! – ct4242

Sub Tester() 

    Dim o As New clsTest, arr, e 

    o.One = "First" 
    o.Two = "Second" 
    o.Three = "Third" 

    arr = Array("One", "Two", "Three") 

    For Each e In arr 

     Debug.Print CallByName(o, e, VbGet) 

    Next e 

End Sub 




Public One As String 
Public Two As String 
Public Three As String 