$(function() {
// Instance the tour
var tour = new Tour({
backdrop: true,
steps: [
element: "#welcome-step",
title: "Welcome!",
content: "Begin this tour to see how you can design the look of your website.",
orphan: true,
path: "/ClubAthleticsTemplate/Organization/Design/" & "@ViewBag.OrganizationId"
// this element is on the design.vbhtml page
element: "#first-step",
title: "Change the Look",
content: "Use this section to design how your website looks. You can choose which pages you want to include on your website.",
path: "/ClubAthleticsTemplate/Organization/Design/" & "@ViewBag.OrganizationId"
// this element is on the design.vbhtml page
element: "#second-step",
title: "Edit Pages",
content: "These are the different pages you can edit for your website. Click on each one to customize.",
path: "/ClubAthleticsTemplate/Organization/Design/" & "@ViewBag.OrganizationId"
// this element is on the _DesignerLayout.vbhtml page
element: "#third-step",
title: "Main Photo",
content: "You can upload a main photo that will appear on your front page.",
path: "/ClubAthleticsTemplate/Organization/EditHomePage/" & "@ViewBag.OrganizationId"
// this element is on the EditHomePage.vbhtml page
element: "#fourth-step",
title: "Main Photo Display",
content: "You can specify whether or not you want the main photo show at the top of all of your pages.",
path: "/ClubAthleticsTemplate/Organization/EditHomePage/" & "@ViewBag.OrganizationId"
// this element is on the EditHomePage.vbhtml page
element: "#fifth-step",
title: "Page Headline",
content: "This is where you can set a title for your page.",
path: "/ClubAthleticsTemplate/Organization/EditHomePage/" & "@ViewBag.OrganizationId"
// this element is on the EditHomePage.vbhtml page
element: "#sixth-step",
title: "Page Content",
content: "Here is where you add all your content for your page. You can add text, images, media, tables, etc.",
path: "/ClubAthleticsTemplate/Organization/EditHomePage/" & "@ViewBag.OrganizationId"
// this element is on the EditHomePage.vbhtml page
element: "#seventh-step",
title: "Save Changes",
content: "Make sure to hit the 'Save' button when finished!",
path: "/ClubAthleticsTemplate/Organization/EditHomePage/" & "@ViewBag.OrganizationId"
// this element is on the EditHomePage.vbhtml page
// Initialize the tour
// Start the tour