2016-07-05 3 views

私は以下で定義したカスタムクラスAggregate_TableのIQueryableでLINQを使用してvb.netで合計を実行しようとしています。私は通常の合計関数は、私のカスタムクラスのIQueryable(Of T)に適用すると、構文エラーを与えるようにこれを達成する方法がわかりません。カスタムクラスIQueryable(Of T)の集計を実行する


Dim initial_SIs = From si In database._58k_SIs 
         Group By si.From_Firm, si.From_Account_Number, si.To_Account_Number, si.To_Firm, si.Security_Code, si.Settlement_Ccy 
        Into Quantity = Sum(si.Quantity), Settlement_Amount = Sum(si.Settlement_Amount) 


Public Class Aggregated_SI 
    Private _From_Firm As String 
    Private _From_Account_Number As String 
    Private _To_Account_Number As String 
    Private _To_Firm As String 
    Private _Security_Code As String 
    Private _Quantity As Integer 
    Private _Settlement_Amount As Decimal 
    Private _Settlement_Ccy As String 

    Public Property Quantity 
     Return _Quantity 
    End Get 
     _Quantity = value 
    End Set 
    End Property 
End Class 


Dim test_List = New List(Of Aggregated_SI) 
    For Each si In initial_SIs 
     test_List.Add(New Aggregated_SI(si.From_Firm, si.From_Account_Number, si.To_Account_Number, si.To_Firm, si.Security_Code, si.Quantity, si.Settlement_Amount, si.Settlement_Ccy)) 


Dim outflow = From si In test_List 
        Group By si.From_Account_Number, si.Security_Code 
        Into Total_outflow = Sum(si.Quantity) 


Error BC36594 Definition of method 'Sum' is not accessible in this context. 

     Error BC30519 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Sum' can be called without a narrowing conversion: 
Extension method 'Public Function Sum(selector As Func(Of Aggregated_SI, Integer)) As Integer' defined in 'Enumerable': Return type of nested function matching parameter 'selector' narrows from 'Object' to 'Integer'. 
Extension method 'Public Function Sum(selector As Func(Of Aggregated_SI, Integer?)) As Integer?' defined in 'Enumerable': Return type of nested function matching parameter 'selector' narrows from 'Object' to 'Integer?'. 
Extension method 'Public Function Sum(selector As Func(Of Aggregated_SI, Long)) As Long' defined in 'Enumerable': Return type of nested function matching parameter 'selector' narrows from 'Object' to 'Long'. 
Extension method 'Public Function Sum(selector As Func(Of Aggregated_SI, Long?)) As Long?' defined in 'Enumerable': Return type of nested function matching parameter 'selector' narrows from 'Object' to 'Long?'. 
Extension method 'Public Function Sum(selector As Func(Of Aggregated_SI, Single)) As Single' defined in 'Enumerable': Return type of nested function matching parameter 'selector' narrows from 'Object' to 'Single'. 
Extension method 'Public Function Sum(selector As Func(Of Aggregated_SI, Single?)) As Single?' defined in 'Enumerable': Return type of nested function matching parameter 'selector' narrows from 'Object' to 'Single?'. 
Extension method 'Public Function Sum(selector As Func(Of Aggregated_SI, Double)) As Double' defined in 'Enumerable': Return type of nested function matching parameter 'selector' narrows from 'Object' to 'Double'. 
Extension method 'Public Function Sum(selector As Func(Of Aggregated_SI, Double?)) As Double?' defined in 'Enumerable': Return type of nested function matching parameter 'selector' narrows from 'Object' to 'Double?'. 
Extension method 'Public Function Sum(selector As Func(Of Aggregated_SI, Decimal)) As Decimal' defined in 'Enumerable': Return type of nested function matching parameter 'selector' narrows from 'Object' to 'Decimal'. 
Extension method 'Public Function Sum(selector As Func(Of Aggregated_SI, Decimal?)) As Decimal?' defined in 'Enumerable': Return type of nested function matching parameter 'selector' narrows from 'Object' to 'Decimal?'. Settlement_Optimisation C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\Temporary Projects\WindowsApplication1\Form1.vb 22 Active 



Aggregated_SIクラスの完全な定義を含めてください。フィールド宣言(プライベート)のみが含まれていますが、明らかにQuantityプロパティを使用しており、その定義を表示していません。エラーから、私は、Quantityプロパティが整数の代わりにオブジェクトを返すと仮定します。 –


私はquantityプロパティを含んでおり、残りのフィールドは多かれ少なかれ同じです。すべてを含めると助けになるのだろうか?私はちょうどプロパティと1つのコンストラクタの繰り返しですので、それはあまりにも長くなることを恐れている – chrishendra93



Public Property Quantity As Integerではなく、Public Property Quantityという数量プロパティを宣言しました。これにより、Quantityは結果をオブジェクトにキャストし、オブジェクトを集計できるSum()拡張はありません。適切な戻り値の型を使用し、それが動作するはずです:

Public Class Aggregated_SI 
    Private _From_Firm As String 
    Private _From_Account_Number As String 
    Private _To_Account_Number As String 
    Private _To_Firm As String 
    Private _Security_Code As String 
    Private _Quantity As Integer 
    Private _Settlement_Amount As Decimal 
    Private _Settlement_Ccy As String 

    Public Property Quantity As Integer 
     Return _Quantity 
    End Get 
    Set(value As Integer) 
     _Quantity = value 
    End Set 
    End Property 
End Class 



ああ私は、このような基本的な間違いをした。助けてくれてありがとう!ところで、setterのvalueパラメータに型を含めるのは正しいです – chrishendra93
