2016-11-03 6 views


The link to the journal skin I am working on.

私もそこbranchoverlay divの中に収納された側枝がhereを参照して、他のdivを少しオーバーラップすることを意図していることを言及して少し編集をスローします。私は彼らを自分のdivから削除してコンテンツ所有者のバックグラウンドに置く提案を聞いたことがあるが、それは私が思うその影響を壊すだろうか?負のマージンで重複することなくdivのわずかなオーバーレイを達成するためにヘッダ/ドロップダウン領域をフォーマットするより良い方法はありますか?


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        <div class="maindiv"><p>Welcome and thank you for your interest in joining Hvalla, the following links have been provided for your convenience. 

<h3>Required Reading</h3> 
» <a href="http://hvalla.deviantart.com/journal/Group-Rules-621936986">The Rules</a> — While you are not expected to commit these to memory, they are a required read. 
» <a href="http://hvalla.deviantart.com/journal/Setting-and-World-Lore-623071331">Setting and World Lore</a> — An in-depth look at the world of Hvalla, from locations to the packs that inhabit it. 
» <a href="http://hvalla.deviantart.com/journal/Character-Creation-627655883">Character Creation</a> — All information pertaining to the creation of your character. 
» <a href="http://hvalla.deviantart.com/journal/How-to-Join-622339097">How to Join</a> — A detailed overview of the current joining process. 
» <a href="http://hvalla.deviantart.com/journal/Runestones-622318184">Currency</a> — An in-depth guide of Runestones and how to utilize them. 
» <a href="http://hvalla.deviantart.com/journal/FAQ-622340489">FAQ</a> — All frequently asked questions. 

<b>Core Concepts:</b> 
<ul><li><span>Hvalla is a semi-realistic wolf art and roleplay community. Our goal is to stretch the boundaries of realism in a tasteful way, encouraging a more mature form of creativity in wolf RP. </span></li></ul><ul><li><span>We strive to provide a community that is inclusive and close-knit; no one should ever feel excluded, railroaded or otherwise on the fringes of a clique of close friends.</span></li></ul><ul><li><span>Characters in Hvalla may exhibit humanized aspects such as facial expressions and verbal communication similar to media such as Princess Mononoke, </span><a href="https://youtu.be/GgGOcEgRh7k">The Jungle Book</a><span>, </span><a href="https://youtu.be/3h_nB089jrs">Savva</a><span> etc., but overall should exhibit realistic behavior. </span></li></ul><ul><li><span class="bbcode_bold">Hvalla explores themes that are ideologically sensitive in nature.</span><span> We are always excited to involve new members in the community, however, if you find the exploration of dark themes such as murder, war, pillaging, abuse etc., to be outside of your comfort zone or you find yourself easily offended by aforementioned subjects, Hvalla may not be the community for you. Remember, this is creative writing, not real life.</span> 

<div class="rockfooter"></div> </div></div> 



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本当に答えはありますか? – Darence30



に画像を追加するために使用されるbranchoverlay div要素を削除してください

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私はあなたが何を意味するか見ていますが、私は心配しています。レイアウトは別の設定で動作するはずです.http://hvalla.deviantart.com/journal/Hvalla-Page-Layout-627838239にあります。ご覧のとおり、これらのサイドブランチはdivを少し重複させることを意図しています。バックグラウンドでそれらを置くことは、私が思い浮かべる効果を損なうでしょう。あなたはそれについて何をお勧めしますか? –
