2017-12-13 20 views


Subdivided farmland





patches-own [ id ] 

to setup 
    resize-world -50 50 -50 50 
    set-patch-size 4 
    ask patches [ set id -1 ] 
    ask rectangle -20 20 -40 40 [ 
    set pcolor red 

to go 
    rectangle-sub -20 20 40 -40 

to rectangle-sub [ x0 x1 y0 y1 ] 

    ; Make sure the x0 x1/y0 y1 order is correct 
    let xp0 min (list x0 x1) 
    let xp1 max (list x0 x1) 
    let yp0 min (list y0 y1) 
    let yp1 max (list y0 y1) 

    ; Define the rectangle to subdivide 
    let main_rect rectangle xp0 xp1 yp0 yp1 

    ; Define width and height 
    let width xp1 - xp0 
    let height yp1 - yp0 
    let w3 round (width/3) 
    let w8 round (width/8) 
    let h3 round (height/3) 
    let h8 round (height/8) 

    ; Set a while loop to make mini rectangles, with 
    ; a counter to stop the loop after too many tries 
    let counter 0 
    while [ counter < 100 and any? main_rect with [id = -1 ] ] [ 
    let newx0 xp0 + (random width) 
    let newx1 newx0 + (ceiling width/(random 6 + 3)) 
    let newy0 yp0 + (random height) 
    let newy1 newy0 + (ceiling height/(random 6 + 3)) 

    ; define a sub rectangle 
    let newrect rectangle newx0 newx1 newy0 newy1 

    ; remove any patches from the sub rectangle that are not 
    ; also part of the main rectangle 
    set newrect newrect with [ member? self main_rect ] 
    if any? newrect [ 

     ; Make sure the dimensions aren't too small or big 
     let nwidth (max [pxcor] of newrect - min [pxcor] of newrect) 
     let nheight (max [pycor] of newrect - min [pycor] of newrect) 
     if nwidth < w3 and nwidth > w8 and nheight < h3 and nheight > h8 [ 

     ; Choose a random patch and assign its id to all others 
     ; in the same newrect patch-set 
     let groupid random 10000 
     ask newrect [ 
      set id groupid 
      set pcolor id/100 
    set counter counter + 1 
    print counter 


to-report rectangle [ x0 x1 y0 y1 ] 
    ; reports a patch-set bounded by 
    ; the coordinate arguments passed 
    report patches with [ 
    pxcor > x0 and pxcor < x1 and 
    pycor > y0 and pycor < y1 




patches-own [ id ] 

to setup 
    resize-world -50 50 -50 50 
    set-patch-size 5 
    ask patches [ set id -1 ] 
    ask rectangle -20 20 -40 40 [ 
    set pcolor red 

to go 
    turtle-define-rect -20 20 40 -40 

to turtle-define-rect [ x0 x1 y0 y1 ] 

    ; Make sure the x0 x1/y0 y1 order is correct 
    let xp0 min (list x0 x1) 
    let xp1 max (list x0 x1) 
    let yp0 min (list y0 y1) 
    let yp1 max (list y0 y1) 

    ; Define the rectangle to subdivide 
    let main_rect rectangle xp0 xp1 yp0 yp1 

    let xlist [] 
    let ylist [] 
    let possible_area one-of main_rect with [ 
    id = -1 and 
    any? neighbors4 with [id = -1] and 
    any? neighbors4 with [not member? self main_rect or id != -1] 
    if possible_area != nobody [ 
    ask possible_area [ 
     let w random 5 + 5 
     let h random 10 + 10 
     sprout 1 [ 
     set color blue 
     set size 3 
     let start-patch patch-here 
     let id_temp [id] of patch-here 
     face one-of neighbors4 with [not member? self main_rect or id != -1] 
     rt 180 
     hatch 1 [ 
      create-link-with one-of other turtles-here 
      repeat w [ 
      if ([id] of patch-ahead 1 = -1) and ([ member? self main_rect] of patch-ahead 1) [ 
       fd 1 
     set xlist lput xcor xlist 
     set ylist lput ycor ylist 
     ask link-neighbors [ 
      set xlist lput xcor xlist 
      set ylist lput ycor ylist 
     let turn one-of [ 90 -90 ] 
     rt turn 
     ask link-neighbors [ 
      rt turn 
     ask my-links [ 
     repeat h [ 
      if ( 
      ([id] of patch-ahead 1 = -1) and 
      ([ member? self main_rect] of patch-ahead 1) and 
      ([ [id] of patch-ahead 1 = -1 ] of link-neighbors = [true]) and 
      ([ [ member? self main_rect] of patch-ahead 1 ] of link-neighbors = [true]) 
      fd 1 
     set xlist lput xcor xlist 
     set ylist lput ycor ylist 
     ask link-neighbors [ 
      set xlist lput xcor xlist 
      set ylist lput ycor ylist 
     ask link-neighbors [ die ] 
    let xt0 min xlist 
    let xt1 max xlist 
    let yt0 min ylist 
    let yt1 max ylist 
    let new_id random 10000 

    ask rectangle xt0 xt1 yt0 yt1 [ 
     set id new_id 

    ask main_rect with [ id != -1 ] [ 
    set pcolor id/100 

to-report rectangle [ x0 x1 y0 y1 ] 
    ; reports a patch-set bounded by 
    ; the coordinate arguments passed 
    report patches with [ 
    pxcor >= x0 and pxcor <= x1 and 
    pycor >= y0 and pycor <= y1 



enter image description here



ルーク、ありがとう、あなたの答えは本当に助けている。 1/8は単なる提案に過ぎず、本当に重要なことは長方形が重ならないことです。実際の生活では、それは同じ空間を占める2つの都市開発を意味する。新しい長方形がid = -1のパッチでのみ形成できるというコードを記述するとできますか? –


@JavierSandoval - ちょっとハビエル - それを手に入れました。同時にすべての開発を定義していても、新しいものを作成したいのであれば、それは問題ありません。私は編集された答えに別のアプローチを加えました。 –


もう一度ルークに感謝します。もう一つのこと:細分化の数を制御する方法はありますか?実際の生活では、私が勉強している農地の区画は、より少ない数に細分されています。 –
