2016-08-09 4 views


私は未定義の値をランダムに取得し続けます - 正しい値が時々現れ、時には "未定義"となります。

私はvar q1;var q1 = '';に変更しようとしましたが、これは未定義の値を停止しますが、ランダムな空白値を取得します。


$(document).ready(function() { 

    var questionNumber = 0; 
    var questionBank = new Array(); 
    var stage = "#game1"; 
    var stage2 = new Object; 
    var questionLock = false; 
    var numberOfQuestions; 
    var score = 0; 

    $.getJSON('activity.json', function(data) { 

     for (i = 0; i < data.quizlist.length; i++) { 
      questionBank[i] = new Array; 
      questionBank[i][0] = data.quizlist[i].question; 
      questionBank[i][1] = data.quizlist[i].option1; 
      questionBank[i][2] = data.quizlist[i].option2; 
      questionBank[i][3] = data.quizlist[i].option3; 
      questionBank[i][4] = data.quizlist[i].option4; 
     numberOfQuestions = questionBank.length; 

     }) //gtjson 

    function displayQuestion() { 
     var rnd = Math.random() * 4; 
     rnd = Math.ceil(rnd); 
     var q1; 
     var q2; 
     var q3; 
     var q4; 

     if (rnd == 1) { 
      q1 = questionBank[questionNumber][1]; 
      q2 = questionBank[questionNumber][2]; 
      q3 = questionBank[questionNumber][3]; 
      q4 = questionBank[questionNumber][4]; 
     if (rnd == 2) { 
      q2 = questionBank[questionNumber][1]; 
      q3 = questionBank[questionNumber][2]; 
      q4 = questionBank[questionNumber][3]; 
      q1 = questionBank[questionNumber][4]; 
     if (rnd == 3) { 
      q3 = questionBank[questionNumber][1]; 
      q4 = questionBank[questionNumber][2]; 
      q1 = questionBank[questionNumber][3]; 
      q3 = questionBank[questionNumber][4]; 
     if (rnd == 4) { 
      q4 = questionBank[questionNumber][1]; 
      q1 = questionBank[questionNumber][2]; 
      q2 = questionBank[questionNumber][3]; 
      q3 = questionBank[questionNumber][4]; 

     $(stage).append('<div class="questionText">' + questionBank[questionNumber][0] + '</div><div id="1" class="option">' + q1 + '</div><div id="2" class="option">' + q2 + '</div><div id="3" class="option">' + q3 + '</div><div id="4" class="option">' + q4 + '</div>'); 

     $('.option').click(function() { 
      if (questionLock == false) { 
      questionLock = true; 
      //correct answer 
      if (this.id == rnd) { 
       $(stage).append('<div class="feedback1">CORRECT</div>'); 
      //wrong answer 
      if (this.id != rnd) { 
       $(stage).append('<div class="feedback2">INCORRECT</div>'); 
      setTimeout(function() { 
      }, 1000); 
     } //display question 

    function changeQuestion() { 


     if (stage == "#game1") { 
      stage2 = "#game1"; 
      stage = "#game2"; 
     } else { 
      stage2 = "#game2"; 
      stage = "#game1"; 

     if (questionNumber < numberOfQuestions) { 
     } else { 

      "right": "+=800px" 
     }, "slow", function() { 
      $(stage2).css('right', '-800px'); 
      "right": "+=800px" 
     }, "slow", function() { 
      questionLock = false; 
     } //change question 

    function displayFinalSlide() { 

     $(stage).append('<div class="questionText">You have finished the quiz!<br><br>Total questions: ' + numberOfQuestions + '<br>Correct answers: ' + score + '</div>'); 

     } //display final slide 

    }); //doc ready 



    "question":"1. Sam wants to be sure to listen carefully to what the influencee says during an important conversation. What are the correct steps to listen effectively?", 
     "option1":"Ask questions, listen to the answers, and acknowledge what is said.", 
     "option2":"Listen for feelings and facts, clarify, and share a personal point of view.", 
     "option3":"Share a personal point of view, clarify, and ask for feedback.", 
     "option4":"Use closed questions to get the facts, clarify, and confirm what is said." 

    "question":"2. A team member tried to convince colleagues that the best course of action to increase team performance was to ask for volunteer coaches to train newer team members. The team member presented plans for the coaching program on three different occasions, but was not able to persuade any colleagues to support the plan. Now, the team member wants to learn more about how others on the team recommend improving performance. What approach will have the most impact to understand how others view the situation?", 

    "option1":"Meet with the colleagues as a group and ask them to discuss their point of view about the problem and the proposed solution.", 
    "option2":"Explain that he/she has given up on their ideas and will go along with anything the group is willing to do.", 
    "option3":"Meet with colleagues as a group and paint a picture of the future if the problem is not addressed immediately.", 
    "option4":"Suggest that colleagues send their comments and ideas directly to the team member. " 

    "question":"3. A supervisor explained the reasons for a new procedure and started a discussion with the team. The supervisor said, “I expect you to adopt the new procedure immediately and don’t want us to waste time. If you do this in the next two weeks, I will be able to tell the leadership team that we have met our objective ahead of schedule. If you don’t do this, there could be problems.” Which influencing style did this supervisor use? ", 

     "option1":"Dominating. The supervisor is pushing the team by putting pressure on the team.", 
     "option2":"Asserting. The supervisor is describing what she/he wants and pushing the team by explaining his/her reasoning for the proposal.", 
     "option3":"Storytelling. The supervisor is pulling the team together by presenting a picture of the common elements.", 
     "option4":"Responding. The supervisor is pulling team members toward the idea by explaining is thinking." 

私の編集(私は変更された空白のみ)に従って、コードを適切に書式設定すると、エラーを見つけやすくなります。 – nnnnnn


ありがとう - 申し訳ありません - 最初のポスト - かなり緊急 - 将来覚えています。 – Adam


申し訳ありませんが、あなたが実際のコードを意味することを理解しました。 - 私は今朝誰か他の人に渡されました、あなたの書式でもっと見やすくなりました - ありがとうございました – Adam








すばらしいおかげさまで、今後のオプションを検討しますが、これは本当に素早いプロトタイプのためのものです。再度、感謝します :) – Adam
