私は実際のモデルでは "word_to_guess"を知っていません。ユーザーの入力(char_guess)がリスト内の項目であれば、リスト内の文字の位置を調べるのにどのコードが必要でしょうか?Pythonで不明なリストのアイテムを見つけるには?
word_to_guess = 'cat' #usually random from user input list but 'cat' while testing
listed_word = list(word_to_guess)
char_guess = input("Enter a character you would like to guess ")
word_to_guess = "cat" #using as an example although its unknown due to previous code at the bottom for reference
listed_word = list(word_to_guess) #which is ['c', 'a', 't']
char_guess = input("Enter a character you would like to guess ")
#user inputs 'a' and that is what char_guess is set to
文字がリストにある場合(それはある)どのように私は、その文字の位置を見つけるだろうか?どのように私は 'このセクションは本当に
import random
word_choice_list = [ ]
more_word = "no"
word = input("Enter a word you would like to try and guess ")
print(" * this a yes or no question * ")
more_word = input("Would you like to continue inputting words to guess? ")
if more_word == "yes":
print("Please input a new word")
more_word = "yes"
elif more_word == "no":
print("List of possible words is complete")
more_word = "no"
print('Incorrect answer, please try again')
more_word = "yes"
while more_word == "yes":
word_2 = input("Enter a word you would like to try and guess ")
if word == word_2:
print("You have already inputted this word")
print(" * this a yes or no question * ")
more_word = input("Would you like to continue inputting words to guess? ")
if more_word == "yes":
print("Ple input a new word")
more_word = "yes"
elif more_word == "no":
print("List of possible words is complete")
more_word = "no"
print('Incorrect answer, please try again')
more_word = "yes"
sr = random.SystemRandom()
word_to_guess = sr.choice(word_choice_list)
明らかな疑問がある場合は、重複を見つけて、回答を閉じることができるようにリンクを表示してください。回答を作成すると(特に唯一のテキストとして「本当に?」を含む)、不必要な混乱が生じます。 –
私は本当に申し訳ありませんが、私は非常にコードに新しいと文脈から他の例を見て本当に苦労して、あなたの助けをありがとうx – Megan59781