2017-03-04 12 views

私の結果では正しい結果が得られますが、全体のパーセンテージで印刷されるため、2番目と4番目のパーセンテージを ".5%"形式で取得する方法についてのヒントが必要です。その代わりに、それは4%、4.5%、5%、5.5%、および6%を示しています。 4%、4%、5%、6%、6%ですが、結果は正しく計算されます。そのようなものは、4.5%と5.5%を示していません。 Heresコード、それは長く思われるかもしれませんが、ちょうど反復的な数字。 AIR2とaIR4に注意してくださいあなたは4%4.5%を表示NumberFormatをしたい場合は、それらがターゲット小数点でパーセンテージを表示する書式

import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.text.NumberFormat; 
import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

public class MortgageCalculator { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     double aIR, mortgageAmount; 
     int noY; 
     double aIR1, aIR2, aIR3, aIR4, aIR5; 
     double mIR1, mIR2, mIR3, mIR4, mIR5; 
     double mPayment1, mPayment2, mPayment3, mPayment4, mPayment5; 
     double totAmount1, totAmount2, totAmount3, totAmount4, totAmount5; 
     double oPay1, oPay2, oPay3, oPay4, oPay5; 
     double oPaypercent1, oPaypercent2, oPaypercent3, oPaypercent4, oPaypercent5; 

     //This establishes formats for values 
     NumberFormat fmt1 = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); 
     NumberFormat fmt2 = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); 
     DecimalFormat fmt3 = new DecimalFormat("0.##"); 

     //This asks user for inputs 
     Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); 
     System.out.println("Enter the Annual Interest Rate: "); 
     aIR= scan.nextDouble(); 
     System.out.println("Enter the Number of Years you will Pay: "); 
     noY = scan.nextInt(); 
     System.out.println("Enter Amount Borrowed from the Bank: "); 
     mortgageAmount = scan.nextInt(); 

     //These will give annual interest rates depending on range 
     aIR1 = (aIR - 1)/100; 
     aIR2 = (aIR - 0.5)/100; 
     aIR3 = (aIR)/100; 
     aIR4 = (aIR + 0.5)/100; 
     aIR5 = (aIR + 1)/100; 

     //These give rates by month according to which rate being taken 
     mIR1 = (aIR1/12); 
     mIR2 = (aIR2/12); 
     mIR3 = (aIR3/12); 
     mIR4 = (aIR4/12); 
     mIR5 = (aIR5/12); 

     //This takes the amounts per month 
     mPayment1 = (mIR1 * mortgageAmount)/(1-(1/Math.pow((1+mIR1),12*noY))); 
     mPayment2 = (mIR2 * mortgageAmount)/(1-(1/Math.pow((1+mIR2),12*noY))); 
     mPayment3 = (mIR3 * mortgageAmount)/(1-(1/Math.pow((1+mIR3),12*noY))); 
     mPayment4 = (mIR4 * mortgageAmount)/(1-(1/Math.pow((1+mIR4),12*noY))); 
     mPayment5 = (mIR5 * mortgageAmount)/(1-(1/Math.pow((1+mIR5),12*noY))); 

     //This takes the total amount per year 
     totAmount1 = mPayment1 * (noY*12); 
     totAmount2 = mPayment2 * (noY*12); 
     totAmount3 = mPayment3 * (noY*12); 
     totAmount4 = mPayment4 * (noY*12); 
     totAmount5 = mPayment5 * (noY*12); 

     //This is the overpayment because of interest 
     oPay1 = totAmount1 - (mortgageAmount); 
     oPay2 = totAmount2 - (mortgageAmount); 
     oPay3 = totAmount3 - (mortgageAmount); 
     oPay4 = totAmount4 - (mortgageAmount); 
     oPay5 = totAmount5 - (mortgageAmount); 

     //This is the overpayment percentage 
     oPaypercent1 = (oPay1/mortgageAmount); 
     oPaypercent2 = (oPay2/mortgageAmount); 
     oPaypercent3 = (oPay3/mortgageAmount); 
     oPaypercent4 = (oPay4/mortgageAmount); 
     oPaypercent5 = (oPay5/mortgageAmount); 

     //Begins printing the results in a line 
     System.out.println("The Mortgage Amount is: " 
       + fmt2.format(mortgageAmount)); 
     System.out.println("The Number of Years the Mortgage is Held: " + noY); 
     System.out.println("Range of Interest Rates: " + fmt1.format(aIR1) 
       + " - " + fmt1.format(aIR5)); 
     System.out.println("Interest Rate Monthly Payment Total Payment" 
       + " $ Overpayment % Overpayment"); 

     //Prints first interest rate 
     System.out.println("" + fmt1.format(aIR1) + "    " + 
       fmt2.format(mPayment1) + "   " + fmt2.format(totAmount1) 
       + "  " + fmt2.format(oPay1) + "   " 
       + fmt1.format(oPaypercent1) + ""); 

     //Prints second interest rate 
     System.out.println("" + fmt1.format(aIR2) + "    " + 
       fmt2.format(mPayment2) + "   " + fmt2.format(totAmount2) 
       + "  " + fmt2.format(oPay2) + "   " 
       + fmt1.format(oPaypercent2) + ""); 

     //Prints third interest rate 
     System.out.println("" + fmt1.format(aIR3) + "    " + 
       fmt2.format(mPayment3) + "   " + fmt2.format(totAmount3) 
       + "  " + fmt2.format(oPay3) + "   " 
       + fmt1.format(oPaypercent3) + ""); 

     //Prints fourth interest rate 
     System.out.println("" + fmt1.format(aIR4) + "    " + 
       fmt2.format(mPayment4) + "   " + fmt2.format(totAmount4) 
       + "  " + fmt2.format(oPay4) + "   " 
       + fmt1.format(oPaypercent4) + ""); 

     //Prints fifth interest rate 
     System.out.println("" + fmt1.format(aIR5) + "    " + 
       fmt2.format(mPayment5) + "   " + fmt2.format(totAmount5) 
       + "  " + fmt2.format(oPay5) + "   " 
       + fmt1.format(oPaypercent5) + ""); 


10進数のパーセント値を扱うように金利の書式を変更する必要があります。 –




// Option 1 
NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); 

// Option 2 
NumberFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("0.#%"); 


import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.text.NumberFormat; 
import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

public class HelloWorld { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     double aIR, mortgageAmount; 
     int noY; 
     double aIR1, aIR2, aIR3, aIR4, aIR5; 
     double mIR1, mIR2, mIR3, mIR4, mIR5; 
     double mPayment1, mPayment2, mPayment3, mPayment4, mPayment5; 
     double totAmount1, totAmount2, totAmount3, totAmount4, totAmount5; 
     double oPay1, oPay2, oPay3, oPay4, oPay5; 
     double oPaypercent1, oPaypercent2, oPaypercent3, oPaypercent4, oPaypercent5; 

     //This establishes formats for values 
     NumberFormat fmt1 = new DecimalFormat("0.#%"); 
     //NumberFormat fmt1 = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); 
     NumberFormat fmt2 = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); 
     DecimalFormat fmt3 = new DecimalFormat("0.##"); 

     //This asks user for inputs 
     Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); 
     System.out.println("Enter the Annual Interest Rate: "); 
     aIR= scan.nextDouble(); 
     System.out.println("Enter the Number of Years you will Pay: "); 
     noY = scan.nextInt(); 
     System.out.println("Enter Amount Borrowed from the Bank: "); 
     mortgageAmount = scan.nextInt(); 

     //These will give annual interest rates depending on range 
     aIR1 = (aIR - 1)/100; 
     aIR2 = (aIR - 0.5)/100; 
     aIR3 = (aIR)/100; 
     aIR4 = (aIR + 0.5)/100; 
     aIR5 = (aIR + 1)/100; 

     //These give rates by month according to which rate being taken 
     mIR1 = (aIR1/12); 
     mIR2 = (aIR2/12); 
     mIR3 = (aIR3/12); 
     mIR4 = (aIR4/12); 
     mIR5 = (aIR5/12); 

     //This takes the amounts per month 
     mPayment1 = (mIR1 * mortgageAmount)/(1-(1/Math.pow((1+mIR1),12*noY))); 
     mPayment2 = (mIR2 * mortgageAmount)/(1-(1/Math.pow((1+mIR2),12*noY))); 
     mPayment3 = (mIR3 * mortgageAmount)/(1-(1/Math.pow((1+mIR3),12*noY))); 
     mPayment4 = (mIR4 * mortgageAmount)/(1-(1/Math.pow((1+mIR4),12*noY))); 
     mPayment5 = (mIR5 * mortgageAmount)/(1-(1/Math.pow((1+mIR5),12*noY))); 

     //This takes the total amount per year 
     totAmount1 = mPayment1 * (noY*12); 
     totAmount2 = mPayment2 * (noY*12); 
     totAmount3 = mPayment3 * (noY*12); 
     totAmount4 = mPayment4 * (noY*12); 
     totAmount5 = mPayment5 * (noY*12); 

     //This is the overpayment because of interest 
     oPay1 = totAmount1 - (mortgageAmount); 
     oPay2 = totAmount2 - (mortgageAmount); 
     oPay3 = totAmount3 - (mortgageAmount); 
     oPay4 = totAmount4 - (mortgageAmount); 
     oPay5 = totAmount5 - (mortgageAmount); 

     //This is the overpayment percentage 
     oPaypercent1 = (oPay1/mortgageAmount); 
     oPaypercent2 = (oPay2/mortgageAmount); 
     oPaypercent3 = (oPay3/mortgageAmount); 
     oPaypercent4 = (oPay4/mortgageAmount); 
     oPaypercent5 = (oPay5/mortgageAmount); 

     //Begins printing the results in a line 
     System.out.println("The Mortgage Amount is: " 
       + fmt2.format(mortgageAmount)); 
     System.out.println("The Number of Years the Mortgage is Held: " + noY); 
     System.out.println("Range of Interest Rates: " + fmt1.format(aIR1) 
       + " - " + fmt1.format(aIR5)); 
     System.out.println("Interest Rate Monthly Payment Total Payment" 
       + " $ Overpayment % Overpayment"); 

     //Prints first interest rate 
     System.out.println("" + fmt1.format(aIR1) + "    " + 
       fmt2.format(mPayment1) + "   " + fmt2.format(totAmount1) 
       + "  " + fmt2.format(oPay1) + "   " 
       + fmt1.format(oPaypercent1) + ""); 

     //Prints second interest rate 
     System.out.println("" + fmt1.format(aIR2) + "    " + 
       fmt2.format(mPayment2) + "   " + fmt2.format(totAmount2) 
       + "  " + fmt2.format(oPay2) + "   " 
       + fmt1.format(oPaypercent2) + ""); 

     //Prints third interest rate 
     System.out.println("" + fmt1.format(aIR3) + "    " + 
       fmt2.format(mPayment3) + "   " + fmt2.format(totAmount3) 
       + "  " + fmt2.format(oPay3) + "   " 
       + fmt1.format(oPaypercent3) + ""); 

     //Prints fourth interest rate 
     System.out.println("" + fmt1.format(aIR4) + "    " + 
       fmt2.format(mPayment4) + "   " + fmt2.format(totAmount4) 
       + "  " + fmt2.format(oPay4) + "   " 
       + fmt1.format(oPaypercent4) + ""); 

     //Prints fifth interest rate 
     System.out.println("" + fmt1.format(aIR5) + "    " + 
       fmt2.format(mPayment5) + "   " + fmt2.format(totAmount5) 
       + "  " + fmt2.format(oPay5) + "   " 
       + fmt1.format(oPaypercent5) + ""); 


過払い%$ 1,841.65 $ 110,499.13 $ 10,499.13 10.5%
4.5%$ 1,864.30 $ 111,858.12 $ 11,858.12 11.9%
5%$ 1,887.12 $ 113,227.40 $ 13,227.40 13.2%
5.5%$ 1,910.12 $ 114,606.97 $ 14,606.97 14.6%
6%$ 1,933.28 $ 115,996.81 $ 15,996.81 16%
