PermutationN<2, P<int, char, bool>>
P< P<int, char>, P<int, bool>, P<char, int>, P<char, bool>, P<bool, int>, P<bool, char> >
PermutationN<2, P<int, int, char>>
P< P<int, int>, P<int, char>, P<char, int> >
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename, typename> struct Merge;
template <template <typename...> class P, typename... Ts, typename... Us>
struct Merge<P<Ts...>, P<Us...>> {
using type = P<Ts..., Us...>;
template <std::size_t N, typename Pack, typename Previous, typename... Output> struct PermutationNHelper;
template <std::size_t N, template <typename...> class P, typename First, typename... Rest, typename... Prev, typename... Output>
struct PermutationNHelper<N, P<First, Rest...>, P<Prev...>, Output...> : Merge<
typename PermutationNHelper<N-1, P<Prev..., Rest...>, P<>, Output..., First>::type, // P<Prev..., Rest...> are the remaining elements, thus ensuring that the next element chosen will not be First. The new Prev... is empty since we now start at the first element of P<Prev..., Rest...>.
typename PermutationNHelper<N, P<Rest...>, P<Prev..., First>, Output...>::type // Using P<Rest...> ensures that the next set of permutations will begin with the type after First, and thus the new Prev... is Prev..., First.
> {};
template <std::size_t N, template <typename...> class P, typename Previous, typename... Output>
struct PermutationNHelper<N, P<>, Previous, Output...> {
using type = P<>;
template <template <typename...> class P, typename First, typename... Rest, typename... Prev, typename... Output>
struct PermutationNHelper<0, P<First, Rest...>, P<Prev...>, Output...> {
using type = P<P<Output...>>;
template <template <typename...> class P, typename Previous, typename... Output>
struct PermutationNHelper<0, P<>, Previous, Output...> {
using type = P<P<Output...>>;
template <typename Pack> struct EmptyPack;
template <template <typename...> class P, typename... Ts>
struct EmptyPack<P<Ts...>> { using type = P<>; };
template <std::size_t N, typename Pack>
using PermutationN = typename PermutationNHelper<N, Pack, typename EmptyPack<Pack>::type>::type;
// Testing
template <typename...> struct P;
int main() {
std::cout << std::is_same<
PermutationN<2, P<int, char, bool>>,
P< P<int, char>, P<int, bool>, P<char, int>, P<char, bool>, P<bool, int>, P<bool, char> >
>::value << '\n'; // true
std::cout << std::is_same<
PermutationN<2, P<int, int, int>>,
P< P<int, int>, P<int, int>, P<int, int>, P<int, int>, P<int, int>, P<int, int> >
>::value << '\n'; // true (but the answer should be P< P<int, int> >.
@ T.C.私が今まで見た中で最も美しい解決策をありがとう。私はそれが正しく動作することを確認しました。 GCC 5.3では、N> 0とN == 0の場合を 'std :: enable_if 'で区切っている限り、2つの部分的な特殊化を持つただ1つのテンプレートでコンパイルできます。ここに作業コード全体があります:http://ideone.com/hqL11N – prestokeys
@prestokeysそうですが、私は 'enable_if'がさらに醜いと感じます。 –