2011-12-07 6 views

私は何をしようとしているのかというとかなりシンプルですが、PHPのバックグラウンドから来ています(あなたが知っているのは、 。基本的に私のリストに追加できない、NullPointerExceptionをスローする


12-06 15:45:18.282: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Matching Providers are: [network, gps] 
12-06 15:45:18.282: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Um, whats the best provder? Well its obviously 'network' 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Location Data: Lat:49, Long: -116 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: java.lang.NullPointerException 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Location Data: Lat:50, Long: -116 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: java.lang.NullPointerException 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Location Data: Lat:49, Long: -117 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: java.lang.NullPointerException 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Location Data: Lat:49, Long: -115 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: java.lang.NullPointerException 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Location Data: Lat:49, Long: -117 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: java.lang.NullPointerException 
12-06 15:45:18.753: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Location Data: Lat:49, Long: -117 
12-06 15:45:18.763: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: java.lang.NullPointerException 
12-06 15:45:18.763: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Location Data: Lat:50, Long: -115 
12-06 15:45:18.763: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: java.lang.NullPointerException 
12-06 15:45:18.763: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Location Data: Lat:49, Long: -116 
12-06 15:45:18.763: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: java.lang.NullPointerException 
12-06 15:45:18.763: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Location Data: Lat:50, Long: -118 
12-06 15:45:18.763: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: java.lang.NullPointerException 
12-06 15:45:18.763: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Location Data: Lat:49, Long: -114 
12-06 15:45:18.783: D/MAPVIEW(32047): Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: java.lang.NullPointerException 
12-06 15:45:18.783: D/AndroidRuntime(32047): Shutting down VM 
12-06 15:45:18.783: W/dalvikvm(32047): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d5a0) 

私は座標のリストに追加しようとしている、とトライキャッチが例外をキャッチされていることがわかります。 は(!私はそれを取得しますカントー今のクラッシュを心配しないでください。)


package com.private.clientndablocked; 

// ... imports 

public class ShowMapView extends MapActivity { 

    // ... some initializers 
    List<int[]> allLocations; 

    protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() { 
     return false; 

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 

     // .. whole bunch of other unreleated stuff 

     // A single json object, this gets populated with cherry picked json array items 
     JSONObject obj = null; 

     // go through each of the items in the json array 
     for(int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) { 

      try { 
       // We must try to get the object first 
       obj = (JSONObject) json.get(i); 
      } catch (JSONException e) { 


      // Initialize temp data with defaults 
      int Latitude = 0; 
      int Longitude = 0; 
      String Title = ""; 
      String ID = ""; 
      int[] coords = new int[2]; 

      // So we actually have a picked item? 
      if(obj != null) 
       try { 

        // Lets try to assign the temp vars with their real data 
        Latitude = (int) (obj.getDouble("lat") * 1e6); 
        Longitude = (int) (obj.getDouble("long") * 1e6); 
        Title = (String) (obj.getString("title")); 
        ID = (String) (obj.getString("id")); 

        // Save the lat and long of the new location data (non micro) 
        // This stuff goes into allLocations List 
        coords[0] = obj.getInt("lat"); 
        coords[1] = obj.getInt("long"); 

       } catch (JSONException e) { 

      // Create a new GeoPoint to store the microdegrees into 
      GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(

      // Create a new OverlayItem with the GeoPoint and a title and snippet 
      OverlayItem overlayitem = new OverlayItem(


      Log.d("MAPVIEW", "Location Data: Lat:" + coords[0] + ", Long: " + coords[1]); 

       allLocations.add(coords); // ************* this is whats failing ****************** 
      } catch(Exception e) { 
       Log.d("MAPVIEW", "Could not add coordinate array to List, Error: " + e.toString()); 


     // ... whole bunch more unrelated stuff 



allLocations = Arrays.asList(); 


正直なところ、私は何をすべきか分かりません。 ..



int minLat = Integer.MAX_VALUE; 
int maxLat = Integer.MIN_VALUE; 
int minLon = Integer.MAX_VALUE; 
int maxLon = Integer.MIN_VALUE; 

for (int[] l : allLocations) { 

    int lat = (int) l[0]; 
    int lon = (int) l[1]; 

    maxLat = Math.max(lat, maxLat); 
    minLat = Math.min(lat, minLat); 
    maxLon = Math.max(lon, maxLon); 
    minLon = Math.min(lon, minLon); 





allLocations = new ArrayList<int[]>(); 



コンパイルの例外は発生しません。このメソッドはarrayの引数をとります。 javadocを確認してください:


AH !!そこに行く!私はそれをやろうとしましたが、かなり新しくなっています。私は最終的に型を入力したときにEclipse全体がこのオーバーライドメソッドを作成していたので、どこかで構文が乱れているはずです。間違ったパス:( 超高速応答ありがとう! – RedactedProfile


私はちょうど1時間のキャスティングやその他の必須ではないものをやっていました.Phpはとても簡単ですが、私は認めなければなりません。甘い。 – frostymarvelous
