は私のコードは ノートであるあなたがあなたのAlertDialogビルダーのsetNeutralButtonで情報を記入
public void btnCreate(View v) throws Exception {
// if we get to here we can send the information to the webserver
String response = makeRequest(email.getText().toString(), fName
.getText().toString(), lName.getText().toString());
if (response != null) {
org.json.JSONObject obj = new org.json.JSONObject(response);
//response is created make created dialog
if ("Created".equals(obj.getString("status"))) {
new AlertDialog.Builder(CreateAccount.this)
.setTitle("Account Creation Successful")
"An activation code has been sent to you. Please check your SPAM folder if you do not receive your activation code email")
.setNeutralButton("OK", null).show();
// response is resend and sends the resend dialog
} else if ("Resend".equals(obj.getString("status"))) {
new AlertDialog.Builder(CreateAccount.this)
.setTitle("Code Resent")
"Your activation code has been resent to your email.\n\nIf you are not receiving your activation code, our email is being blocked. Please email us at '[email protected]' and we will manually send you a code.")
.setNeutralButton("OK", null).show();
//finishes this activity and shows the registration activity (the one before create account)
は完全に動作します。 。 – Sean