AndroidでFacebookメッセンジャーを開きます。 (:https://github.com/appcelerator-modules/ti.facebookをここで説明したように): Androidでチタンを使用したFacebookメッセンジャー
は、iOSの上でこれを行うには、単純に次の操作を行う必要がありvar fb = require('facebook');
title: "Appcelerator Titanium rocks!", // The title of the link
description: "Shared from my Titanium application", // The description of the link
link: "https://appcelerator.com", // The link you want to share
referal: "ti_app", // The referal to be added as a suffix to your link
placeID: "my_id", // The ID for a place to tag with this content
to: [] // List of IDs for taggable people to tag with this content