2016-07-20 15 views


var item = function(itemName, itemPrice, itemTax) { 
    this.products = itemName; 
    this.cost = itemPrice; 
    this.taxes = itemTax; 
    this.total = itemPrice + (itemPrice * itemTax) 

var list = []; 

list[0] = new item("Shoes", 67.99, .075); 
list[1] = new item("Coat", 78.99, .075); 
list[2] = new item("Book", 9.99, .075); 
list[3] = new item("Suitcase", 56.99, .075); 

function theStore() { 
    var greeting = prompt("Welcome to xxxxxxxx! Do you want to begin shopping?"); 

    while (greeting === "Yes") 

     for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) 
     var j = list[i]; 
     var adding = prompt("The " + j.products + " cost " + j.cost + ". Would you like to add it to your cart?") 
     if (adding === "Yes") 
      var addingMore = prompt("How much do you want?") 
      if (addingMore < 1) 
      alert("This item was not added to your cart.") 

      alert(addingMore + " of " + j.products +" has been added to your cart." + " Your total for this kind of item is " + addingMore * (j.cost) + ".") 

     alert(j.products + " was not added to your cart.") 

    greeting = prompt("Do you want to continue shopping? Yes or No"); 










var item = function(itemName, itemPrice, itemTax) { 
    this.products = itemName; 
    this.cost = itemPrice; 
    this.taxes = itemTax; 
    this.total = itemPrice + (itemPrice * itemTax) 

var list = []; 
var totalAmount = 0; 

list[0] = new item("Shoes", 67.99, .075); 
list[1] = new item("Coat", 78.99, .075); 
list[2] = new item("Book", 9.99, .075); 
list[3] = new item("Suitcase", 56.99, .075); 

function theStore() { 
    var greeting = prompt("Welcome to xxxxxxxx! Do you want to begin shopping?"); 

    while (greeting === "Yes") 

     for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) 
     var j = list[i]; 
     var adding = prompt("The " + j.products + " cost " + j.cost + ". Would you like to add it to your cart?") 
     if (adding === "Yes") 
      var addingMore = prompt("How much do you want?") 
      if (addingMore < 1) 
      alert("This item was not added to your cart.") 

      var subTotal = addingMore * (j.cost); 
      totalAmount += subTotal; 
      alert(addingMore + " of " + j.products +" has been added to your cart." + " Your total for this kind of item is " + subTotal.toString() + ".") 

     alert(j.products + " was not added to your cart.") 

    greeting = prompt("Do you want to continue shopping? Yes or No"); 

    if(greeting === "No"){ 
     alert("Your Total Amount is: " + totalAmount); 


var item = function(itemName, itemPrice, itemTax) { 
    this.products = itemName; 
    this.cost = itemPrice; 
    this.taxes = itemTax; 
    this.total = itemPrice + (itemPrice * itemTax) 

var list = []; 

list[0] = new item("Shoes", 67.99, .075); 
list[1] = new item("Coat", 78.99, .075); 
list[2] = new item("Book", 9.99, .075); 
list[3] = new item("Suitcase", 56.99, .075); 

    var selected_items = []; 

    function theStore() { 
     var greeting = confirm("Welcome to xxxxxxxx! Do you want to begin shopping?"); 

     while (greeting) 

      for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) 
      var j = list[i]; 
      var adding = confirm("The " + j.products + " cost " + j.cost + ". Would you like to add it to your cart?") 
      if (adding) 
       var addingMore = prompt("How much do you want?") 
       if (addingMore < 1) 
       alert("This item was not added to your cart.") 

       alert(addingMore + " of " + j.products +" has been added to your cart." + " Your total for this kind of item is " + addingMore * (j.cost) + "."); 
    j.quantity = addingMore;    // Add user selected quantity to object 

    j.total_cost = addingMore * (j.cost); // Add cost if user selected quantity to object 

    selected_items.push(j);    // Let's store it in array. 

      alert(j.products + " was not added to your cart.") 

     greeting = confirm("Do you want to continue shopping? Yes or No"); 

     return selected_items; 

    // theStore() Stored array can be utilised for processing. 

フィドル:https://jsfiddle.net/a0c74pb7/ – RahulN
