Sub newloopfilemodule()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim myPath As String
Dim myFile As String
Dim myExtension As String
Dim FldrPicker As FileDialog
'First clear any original data
'Optimize Macro Speed
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Retrieve Target Folder Path From User
Set FldrPicker = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With FldrPicker
.Title = "Select A Target Folder"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
myPath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
End With
'In Case of Cancel
myPath = myPath
If myPath = "" Then GoTo ResetSettings
'Target File Extension (must include wildcard "*")
myExtension = "*.xls*"
'Target Path with Ending Extention
myFile = Dir(myPath & myExtension)
'Loop through each Excel file in folder
Do While myFile <> ""
'Set variable equal to opened workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=myPath & myFile)
'Ensure Workbook has opened before moving on to next line of code
'Identify column number for Customer Parent ID, Country, and Region
Dim custParentIDCol As Integer, custcidcol As Integer, customernamecol As Integer
custParentIDCol = WorksheetFunction.Match("Customer Parent ID", wb.Sheets(1).Rows(1), 0)
custcidcol = WorksheetFunction.Match("Customer CID", wb.Sheets(1).Rows(1), 0)
customernamecol = WorksheetFunction.Match("Customer Name", wb.Sheets(1).Rows(1), 0)
'Count total number of rows in raw data file
Dim rowNum As Integer
rowNum = 2
Dim topClients As String
Dim filenamenow As String
filenamenow = Mid(myFile, 1, InStr(1, myFile, ".") - 1)
Dim outputrownum As Integer
outputrownum = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheet1.Range("A:A"))
outputrownum = outputrownum + 1
Do While IsEmpty(wb.Sheets(1).Cells(rowNum, custParentIDCol)) = False
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(wb.Sheets(1).Range(wb.Sheets(1).Cells(2, custParentIDCol), wb.Sheets(1).Cells(rowNum, custParentIDCol)), _
wb.Sheets(1).Cells(rowNum, custParentIDCol)) = 1 Then
Sheet1.Cells(outputrownum, 1) = outputrownum - 1
Sheet1.Cells(outputrownum, 2) = filenamenow
Sheet1.Cells(outputrownum, 3) = wb.Sheets(1).Cells(rowNum, custParentIDCol)
Sheet1.Cells(outputrownum, 4) = wb.Sheets(1).Cells(rowNum, custcidcol)
Sheet1.Cells(outputrownum, 5) = wb.Sheets(1).Cells(rowNum, customernamecol)
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheet2.Columns(1), wb.Sheets(1).Cells(rowNum, custParentIDCol)) > 0 Then
topClients = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(wb.Sheets(1).Cells(rowNum, custParentIDCol), Sheet2.Range("A:B"), 2, 0)
Sheet1.Cells(outputrownum, 6).Value = topClients
End If
outputrownum = outputrownum + 1
End If
rowNum = rowNum + 1
'Save and Close Workbook
wb.Close SaveChanges:=True
'Ensure Workbook has closed before moving on to next line of code
'Get next file name
myFile = Dir
'Reset Macro Optimization Settings
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub combinedata()
Dim projecttitlecol As Integer, effectivedatecol As Integer, productcol As Integer, matchingproject As Integer
projecttitlecol = WorksheetFunction.Match("Project Title", Sheet3.Rows(1), 0)
effectivedatecol = WorksheetFunction.Match("Effective Date", Sheet3.Rows(1), 0)
productcol = WorksheetFunction.Match("Product", Sheet3.Rows(1), 0)
Dim rowNum As Integer
rowNum = 2
Do While IsEmpty(Sheet1.Cells(rowNum, 2)) = False
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheet3.Columns(1), Sheets(1).Cells(rowNum, 2)) > 0 Then
matchingproject = WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheet1.Cells(rowNum, 2), Sheet3.Columns(1), 0)
Sheet1.Cells(rowNum, 7) = Sheet3.Cells(matchingproject, projecttitlecol)
Sheet1.Cells(rowNum, 8) = Sheet3.Cells(matchingproject, effectivedatecol)
Sheet1.Cells(rowNum, 9) = Sheet3.Cells(matchingproject, productcol)
End If
rowNum = rowNum + 1
End Sub