2017-11-06 6 views

このアプリケーションはMeteor-1.2.2です。ホープメテオアップはそれに対応しています。私はMup - Meteor Upを使ってプロダクションサーバにデプロイしようとしていますが、失敗し続けます。私はこれを約3日間続けています。 seupは正常に終了しますが、コンパイル段階でデプロイメントが失敗しました。私は何をしますか?Meteor-Upを使用したmeteorJS 1.2のデプロイメントは失敗します

module.exports = { 
    servers: { 
    one: { 
     // TODO: set host address, username, and authentication method 
     host: 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', 
     username: 'serveradmin', 
     // pem: './path/to/pem' 
     password: 'serverpassword' 
     // or neither for authenticate from ssh-agent 

    "buildOptions": { 
    // build with the debug mode on 
    // You can deploy in debug mode by passing --debug. 
    // This will leave your source code readable by your favorite in-browser debugger, just like it is in local development mode 
    // :: Think Meteor Toys! 
    "debug": true, 

    // executable used to build the meteor project 
    // you can set a local repo path if needed 
    "executable": "meteor" 

    // Install MongoDB in the server, does not destroy local MongoDB on future setup 
    "setupMongo": false, 

    // WARNING: Node.js is required! Only skip if you already have Node.js installed on server. 
    "setupNode": true, 

    // WARNING: If nodeVersion omitted will setup 0.10.33 by default. Do not use v, only version number. 
    "nodeVersion": "0.10.40", 

    // Install PhantomJS in the server 
    "setupPhantom": false, 

    app: { 
    // TODO: change app name and path 
    name: 'crowducate', 
    path: '../', 

    servers: { 
     one: {}, 

    env: { 
     // TODO: Change to your app's url 
     // If you are using ssl, it needs to start with https:// 
     port: 3300, 
     ROOT_URL: 'https://course.rabboni.com', 
     MONGO_URL: 'mongodb://ken4ward:[email protected]:43085/rabbonidbserver', 

    ssl: { // (optional) 
    // // Enables let's encrypt (optional) 
     autogenerate: { 
     email: '[email protected]', 
    //  // comma separated list of domains 
     domains: 'course.rabboni.com,www.course.rabboni.com' 

    docker: { 
     // change to 'kadirahq/meteord' if your app is using Meteor 1.3 or older 
     image: 'kadirahq/meteord:base', 

    // Show progress bar while uploading bundle to server 
    // You might need to disable it on CI servers 
    enableUploadProgressBar: true, 
    "deployCheckWaitTime": 600 

    mongo: { 
    oplog: true, 
    version: '3.4.1', 
    servers: { 
     one: {} 


C:\Programs\contract\crowducate-platform\.deploy>mup.cmd deploy 

    │          │ 
    │ update available 1.3.4 => 1.3.5 │ 
    │  To update, run npm i -g mup  │ 
    │          │ 

loaded config from C:\Programs\contract\crowducate-platform\.deploy\mup.js 

5 Validation Errors 
    - "buildOptions" is an unknown property 
    - "setupMongo" is an unknown property 
    - "setupNode" is an unknown property 
    - "nodeVersion" is an unknown property 
    - "setupPhantom" is an unknown property 

Read the docs and view example configs at 

Building App Bundle Locally 
Errors prevented bundling: 
While minifying app code: 

Unexpected token: punc (:) 
at new JS_Parse_Error 
at js_error 
at croak 
at token_error 
at unexpected 
at semicolon 
at simple_statement 
at block_ 

=> Build Error. Check the logs printed above. 






5 Validation Errors 
    - "buildOptions" is an unknown property 
    - "setupMongo" is an unknown property 
    - "setupNode" is an unknown property 
    - "nodeVersion" is an unknown property 
    - "setupPhantom" is an unknown property 


meteor: { 
    buildOptions: { 
    // build with the debug mode on 
    debug: true, 
    // mobile setting for cordova apps 
    mobileSettings: { 
     public: { 
     'meteor-up': 'rocks', 
    // executable used to build the meteor project 
    // you can set a local repo path if needed 
    executable: 'meteor', 



は、ドキュメントを読み、 http://meteor-up.com/docs

だから私の最高のアドバイスは、指示を読むことですで例のconfigsを表示マニュアルを読むことをお勧めします。コマンドの1つ(私はあなたに言いません)は、編集できるサンプルファイルを生成します。 MUPは指示に従うだけで本当に使いやすいです。楽しむ。


ありがとう@Mikkel、私はそれを早くその日に解決しました。新しい問題は、アプリの起動時に失敗することです。 – kehinde
