2012-04-19 5 views

私たちは、ストリームにデータを暗号化するためにはBouncyCastle(Android用実際SpongyCastle)フグをラップするクラスを持っている:私たちの元のコードはに書き込む前に、全体のバイト配列を暗号化 ふぐのコードは同等であるが、ではないはずです

public class BlowfishOutputStream extends OutputStream 
    private final OutputStream os; 
    private final PaddedBufferedBlockCipher bufferedCipher; 


public void write(byte[] raw, int offset, int length) throws IOException 
    byte[] out = new byte[bufferedCipher.getOutputSize(length)]; 
    int result = this.bufferedCipher.processBytes(raw, 0, length, out, 0); 
    if (result > 0) 
     this.os.write(out, 0, result); 



public void write(byte[] raw, int offset, int length) throws IOException 
    // write to the output stream as we encrypt, not all at once. 
    final byte[] inBuffer = new byte[Constants.ByteBufferSize]; 
    final byte[] outBuffer = new byte[Constants.ByteBufferSize]; 
    ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(raw); 
    // read into inBuffer, encrypt into outBuffer and write to output stream 
    for (int len; (len = bis.read(inBuffer)) != -1;) 
     int c2 = this.bufferedCipher.processBytes(inBuffer, 0, len, outBuffer, 0); 
     this.os.write(outBuffer, 0, c2); 


public void close() throws IOException 
    byte[] out = new byte[bufferedCipher.getOutputSize(0)]; 
    int result = this.bufferedCipher.doFinal(out, 0); 
    if (result > 0) 
     this.os.write(out, 0, result); 
    *nb try/catch omitted* 

私は第2のアルゴリズムは、渡された 'length'を尊重し、代わりにraw''の全体を想定していない溶液を、持っていると思いますメッセージです。今すぐテスト。 –




public void write(byte[] raw, int offset, int length) throws IOException 
    // write to the stream as we encrypt, not all at once. 
    final byte[] inBuffer = new byte[Constants.ByteBufferSize]; 
    final byte[] outBuffer = new byte[Constants.ByteBufferSize]; 
    int readStart = offset; 
    // read into inBuffer, encrypt into outBuffer and write to output stream 
     int readAmount = Math.min(length-readStart, inBuffer.length); 
     System.arraycopy(raw, readStart, inBuffer, 0, readAmount); 
     int c2 = this.bufferedCipher.processBytes(inBuffer, 0, readAmount, outBuffer, 0); 
     this.os.write(outBuffer, 0, c2); 

であり、inBufferを省略し、 'readStart'から' raw'を読み込み、 'inBuffer.length'ではなくByteBufferSizeを使う方が少し良いです。 Androidはバイト[8x1024](8k)のバッファ –
