C++の初心者から。私は入力リストを2つの他のリストに分割し、元のまま変わらずに残しておく方法(以下)を書いたので、入力チェーンを破壊する新しいメソッド "split"が必要です。 b。元のチェーンを削除しようとしましたが失敗しました。前もって感謝します。C++ LinkedListを2に分割して入力リストを破棄する
// Split A into two chains B and C.
// When done, A is unchanged.
template <class T>
void chain<T>split(chain<T>& A, chain<T>& B, chain<T>& C)
// first free all nodes in B and C
int j;
j=0 ;
listSize = B.listSize;
for (j=0 ; j < listSize; j++)
// C.Erase();
j=0 ;
listSize = C.listSize;
for (j=0 ; j < listSize; j++)
// assign elements alternately to B and C
int n=0;
chain<T>::iterator a = A.begin(); // find first node of A
while (a != A.end()) {
// first give B an element
if (a == A.end()) break;
// now give C an element
#ifndef chain_
#define chain_
#include "linearList.h"
#include "chainNode.h"
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class linkedDigraph;
template <class T> class linkedWDigraph;
template<class T>
class chain : public linearList<T>
friend linkedDigraph;
friend linkedWDigraph<int>;
friend linkedWDigraph<float>;
friend linkedWDigraph<double>;
// constructor, copy constructor and destructor
chain(int initialCapacity = 10);
chain(const chain<T>&);
// ADT methods
bool empty() const {return listSize == 0;}
int size() const {return listSize;}
T& get(int theIndex) const;
int indexOf(const T& theElement) const;
void erase(int theIndex);
void Split(chain<T>& A, chain<T>& B, chain<T>& C);
//Operator []
typedef int size_type;
// iterators to start and end of list
class iterator;
iterator begin() {return iterator(firstNode);}
iterator end() {return iterator(NULL);}
// iterator for chain
class iterator
// typedefs required by C++ for a forward iterator
typedef forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T& reference;
// constructor
iterator(chainNode<T>* theNode = NULL)
{node = theNode;}
// dereferencing operators
T& operator*() const {return node->element;}
T* operator->() const {return &node->element;}
// increment
iterator& operator++() // preincrement
{node = node->next; return *this;}
iterator operator++(int) // postincrement
{iterator old = *this;
node = node->next;
return old;
// equality testing
bool operator!=(const iterator right) const
{return node != right.node;}
bool operator==(const iterator right) const
{return node == right.node;}
chainNode<T>* node;
}; // end of iterator class
//Overload []
T& operator[](size_type index)
return element[index];
const T& operator[](size_type index) const
return element[index];
void checkIndex(int theIndex) const;
// throw illegalIndex if theIndex invalid
chainNode<T>* firstNode; // pointer to first node in chain
int listSize; // number of elements in list
template<class T>
chain<T>::chain(int initialCapacity)
{// Constructor.
if (initialCapacity < 1)
{ostringstream s;
s << "Initial capacity = " << initialCapacity << " Must be > 0";
throw illegalParameterValue(s.str());
firstNode = NULL;
listSize = 0;
template<class T>
chain<T>::chain(const chain<T>& theList)
{// Copy constructor.
listSize = theList.listSize;
if (listSize == 0)
{// theList is empty
firstNode = NULL;
// non-empty list
chainNode<T>* sourceNode = theList.firstNode;
// node in theList to copy from
firstNode = new chainNode<T>(sourceNode->element);
// copy first element of theList
sourceNode = sourceNode->next;
chainNode<T>* targetNode = firstNode;
// current last node in *this
while (sourceNode != NULL)
{// copy remaining elements
targetNode->next = new chainNode<T>(sourceNode->element);
targetNode = targetNode->next;
sourceNode = sourceNode->next;
targetNode->next = NULL; // end the chain
template<class T>
{// Chain destructor. Delete all nodes in chain.
while (firstNode != NULL)
{// delete firstNode
chainNode<T>* nextNode = firstNode->next;
delete firstNode;
firstNode = nextNode;
template<class T>
void chain<T>::checkIndex(int theIndex) const
{// Verify that theIndex is between 0 and listSize - 1.
if (theIndex < 0 || theIndex >= listSize)
{ostringstream s;
s << "index = " << theIndex << " size = " << listSize;
throw illegalIndex(s.str());
template<class T>
T& chain<T>::get(int theIndex) const
{// Return element whose index is theIndex.
// Throw illegalIndex exception if no such element.
// move to desired node
chainNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode;
for (int i = 0; i < theIndex; i++)
currentNode = currentNode->next;
return currentNode->element;
template<class T>
int chain<T>::indexOf(const T& theElement) const
{// Return index of first occurrence of theElement.
// Return -1 if theElement not in list.
// search the chain for theElement
chainNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode;
int index = 0; // index of currentNode
while (currentNode != NULL &&
currentNode->element != theElement)
// move to next node
currentNode = currentNode->next;
// make sure we found matching element
if (currentNode == NULL)
return -1;
return index;
template<class T>
void chain<T>::erase(int theIndex)
{// Delete the element whose index is theIndex.
// Throw illegalIndex exception if no such element.
// valid index, locate node with element to delete
chainNode<T>* deleteNode;
if (theIndex == 0)
{// remove first node from chain
deleteNode = firstNode;
firstNode = firstNode->next;
{ // use p to get to predecessor of desired node
chainNode<T>* p = firstNode;
for (int i = 0; i < theIndex - 1; i++)
p = p->next;
deleteNode = p->next;
p->next = p->next->next; // remove deleteNode from chain
delete deleteNode;
template<class T>
void chain<T>::insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement)
{// Insert theElement so that its index is theIndex.
if (theIndex < 0 || theIndex > listSize)
{// invalid index
ostringstream s;
s << "index = " << theIndex << " size = " << listSize;
throw illegalIndex(s.str());
if (theIndex == 0)
// insert at front
firstNode = new chainNode<T>(theElement, firstNode);
{ // find predecessor of new element
chainNode<T>* p = firstNode;
for (int i = 0; i < theIndex - 1; i++)
p = p->next;
// insert after p
p->next = new chainNode<T>(theElement, p->next);
template <class T>
void chain<T>::Split(chain<T>& A, chain<T>& B, chain<T>& C)
{// Split A into two chains B and C.
// When done, A is unchanged.
// first free all nodes in B and C
// find firt node of A
// B.erase();
int j;
j=0 ;
listSize = B.listSize;
for (j=0 ; j < listSize; j++)
// C.Erase();
j=0 ;
listSize = C.listSize;
for (j=0 ; j < listSize; j++)
for (chain<T>::iterator b = A.begin();
b != A.end(); b++)
cout << "A from in " << *b << " ";
// assign elements alternately to B and C
int n=0;
chain<T>::iterator a = A.begin();
chainNode<T> *current;
while (a != A.end()) {
B.insert(n,*a);// first give B an element
if (a == A.end()) break;
C.insert(n,*a); // now give C an element
// chain node
#ifndef chainNode_
#define chainNode_
template <class T>
struct chainNode
// data members
T element;//data
chainNode<T> *next;//link
// methods
chainNode() {}
chainNode(const T& element)
{this->element = element;}
chainNode(const T& element, chainNode<T>* next)
{this->element = element;
this->next = next;}
元のリストに_destroy_したい、つまり必要なメモリスペースを割り当て解除する、または空にするだけですか? – jogojapan
第2に、BとCの要素を消去すると、2つのループで '消去(0)'と表示されます。それは '消去(j)'ではありませんか? – jogojapan
'chain'のクラス定義を提供できますか? – Gunslinger47