2017-11-04 15 views


私は同じ製品を変動率で購入しました。その後、私はそれらのいくつかを売った。私はBatchDateの列に従って「先入れ先出し」に基づいて照会します。だから私はPurchasePriceで在庫商品を入手したいと思っています。 `

CREATE TABLE InventoryLedgers 

    BatchNo nvarchar(30), 
    BatchDate datetime, 
    ProductId int, 
    StockIn decimal(18, 2), 
    StockOut decimal(18, 2), 
    PurchasePrice decimal(18, 2), 
    SalesPrice decimal(18, 2) 

INSERT INTO InventoryLedgers (BatchNo,BatchDate ,ProductId ,StockIn ,StockOut ,PurchasePrice ,SalesPrice) 
VALUES ('JRV171000001', '10/20/2017', 1, 2, 0, 35000, 0); 

INSERT INTO InventoryLedgers (BatchNo,BatchDate ,ProductId ,StockIn ,StockOut ,PurchasePrice ,SalesPrice) 
VALUES ('JRV171000002', '10/21/2017', 1, 3, 0, 36000, 0); 

INSERT INTO InventoryLedgers (BatchNo,BatchDate ,ProductId ,StockIn ,StockOut ,PurchasePrice ,SalesPrice) 
VALUES ('JRV171000003', '10/22/2017', 1, 5, 0, 37000, 0); 

INSERT INTO InventoryLedgers (BatchNo,BatchDate ,ProductId ,StockIn ,StockOut ,PurchasePrice ,SalesPrice) 
VALUES ('JRV171000004', '10/20/2017', 2, 3, 0, 40000, 0); 

INSERT INTO InventoryLedgers (BatchNo,BatchDate ,ProductId ,StockIn ,StockOut ,PurchasePrice ,SalesPrice) 
VALUES ('JRV171000005', '10/21/2017', 2, 3, 0, 42000, 0); 

INSERT INTO InventoryLedgers (BatchNo,BatchDate ,ProductId ,StockIn ,StockOut ,PurchasePrice ,SalesPrice) 
VALUES ('JRV171000006', '10/22/2017', 2, 5, 0, 46000, 0); 

INSERT INTO InventoryLedgers (BatchNo,BatchDate ,ProductId ,StockIn ,StockOut ,PurchasePrice ,SalesPrice) 
VALUES ('JRV171000007', '10/22/2017', 1, 0, 3, 0, 45000); 

INSERT INTO InventoryLedgers (BatchNo,BatchDate ,ProductId ,StockIn ,StockOut ,PurchasePrice ,SalesPrice) 
VALUES ('JRV171000008', '10/22/2017', 2, 0, 4, 0, 50000); 

enter image description here


http://rusanu.com/2010/03/26/using-tables-as-queues/ –


まず、テーブルの構造、サンプルデータや画像などのあなたのコードを投稿していない、我々は彼らを必要としますフォーマットされたテキストとして、第二に、あなたはこれまで何を試みましたか?第3に、明確にして問題を特定してください。 – Sami


私はいくつの製品と価値が必要です –




WITH OrderedIn as ( select ProductId Item, Date = BatchDate , Qty=StockIn, Price = PurchasePrice, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ProductId ORDER BY ProductId, [BatchDate]) as rn from InventoryLedgers where StockIn > 0 ), RunningTotals as ( select Item, Qty, Price, CAST(Qty AS int) AS Total, CAST(0 AS int) as PrevTotal, rn from OrderedIn where rn = 1 union all select rt.Item, oi.Qty, oi.Price, CAST(rt.Total AS int) + CAST(oi.Qty AS int), CAST(rt.Total AS int) Total, oi.rn from RunningTotals rt inner join OrderedIn oi on rt.Item = oi.Item and rt.rn = oi.rn - 1 ), TotalOut as ( select Item=ProductId, SUM(StockOut) as Qty from InventoryLedgers where StockOut>=0 group by ProductId ) select rt.Item, SUM(CASE WHEN CAST(PrevTotal AS int) > out.Qty THEN rt.Qty ELSE CAST(rt.Total AS int) - out.Qty END * Price) price from RunningTotals rt inner join TotalOut out on rt.Item = out.Item where CAST(rt.Total AS int) > CAST(out.Qty AS int) group by rt.Item


stockinや在庫切れのためsum(...) over(...)によって作成された "実行中の合計を" 使用してはstockinが在庫切れFIFOロジックを使用して超えた場合に決定することができます。


WITH cte AS (
     , sum(stockin) over(partition by ProductId order by BatchDate ASC) sum_in 
     , sum(stockout) over(partition by ProductId order by BatchDate ASC) sum_out 
     FROM InventoryLedgers 
     i.id, i.BatchNo, i.BatchDate ,i.ProductId ,i.StockIn 
    , i.PurchasePrice, i.sum_in - o.sum_out as tot_avail_stock 
FROM cte i 
inner join (
      select * 
      from cte 
      where stockout > 0 
     ) o on i.ProductId = o.ProductId and i.sum_in > o.sum_out 
where i.stockin > 0 
order by productid, batchdate 
id | BatchNo  | BatchDate | ProductId | StockIn | PurchasePrice | tot_avail_stock 
-: | :----------- | :--------- | --------: | :------ | :------------ | :-------------- 
2 | JRV171000002 | 21/10/2017 |   1 | 3.00 | 36000.00  | 2.00   
3 | JRV171000003 | 22/10/2017 |   1 | 5.00 | 37000.00  | 7.00   
5 | JRV171000005 | 21/10/2017 |   2 | 3.00 | 42000.00  | 2.00   
6 | JRV171000006 | 22/10/2017 |   2 | 5.00 | 46000.00  | 7.00   

dbfiddle here


返信いただきありがとうございました、私の問題を解決しました。 –
