<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Weekday calculator</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {background-color: maroon; color:white; font-family: helvetica; text-align: center;}
h1 {font-size: 50px;}
table { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
text-align:right; background-color:#993300 ; border: 5px solid
firebrick }
<h1>Weekday calculator</h1>
<form id="dateForm">
<td><input type="text" id="year" value="" size="8"></td>
<td><input type="text" id="month" value="" size="8"></td>
<td><input type="text" id="day" value="" size="8"></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="button" id="button" value="Submit" onclick="handleInput(this.form);"></td>
<p id="output"></p>
<script language="Javascript">
function handleInput(form) {
try {
var strYear = form.year.value;
var strMonth = form.month.value;
var strDay = form.day.value;
var intYear = parseInt(strYear);
var intMonth = parseInt(strMonth);
var intDay = parseInt(strDay);
if (isNaN(intYear))
throw "Incorrect input. Year is not a number.";
if (intYear < 0 || intYear > 9999)
throw "Incorrect input. Year is out of range (0--9999).";
if (isNaN(intMonth))
throw "Incorrect input. Month is not a number";
if (intMonth < 1 || intMonth > 12)
throw "Incorrect input. Month is out of range (1--12).";
if (isNaN(intDay))
throw "Incorrect input. Day is not a number.";
if (intMonth == 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12)
if (intDay < 1 || intDay > 31)
throw "Incorrect input. Day is out of range (1--31).";
if (intMonth == 4, 6, 9, 11)
if (intDay < 1 || intDay > 30)
throw "Incorrect input. Day is out of range (1--30).";
if (intMonth == 2)
if (intYear % 4 == 0 && intYear % 100 != 0)
if (intDay < 1 || intDay > 29)
throw "Incorrect input. Day is out of range (1--29).";
var output = "It´s a... " ;
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = output;
catch (error) {
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "ERROR: " + error;
「作業していません」を定義してください。 [jsFiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/)を作成して、何が起きているかを確認してください。 – giorgio
@giorgio:いいえ、フィドルではありません。スタックスニペット( '<>'ツールバーボタン)をクリックすると、オンサイトで完成します。 –
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