#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
struct TABLE{
int key;
TABLE* next;
const int MAX_KEYS = 5000;
const int RANDOM = 30000;
int randNUMS(int *rand);
int hashTableSize();
int HASH(int key,int listSIZE);
void threeHashMethods(int *randARRAY,int tbSIZE);
int* openAddressing(int *randARRAY,int tbSIZE);
int seperateCHAINING();
int linearPROBE(int address,int *HASH,int probeTHIS,int load,int& probe);
int doubleHASH(int key,int tbSIZE);
void listSEARCH(int *randARRAY,int *HT,int tbSIZE);
int main(){
int tbSIZE = 0;
int randARRAY[MAX_KEYS];
for(int a = 0; a <= MAX_KEYS; a++){
randARRAY[a] = 0;
///create random array of 5,000 unique int
///they will be of values between 1-30000
///get hash table size from user
///table must be larger than 6500 int
tbSIZE = hashTableSize();
///driver function for all three
///collision resolution techniques
return 0;
int HASH(int key,int listSIZE){
int address = 0;
address = key % listSIZE;
return address;
int doubleHASH(int key,int tbSIZE){
int address = 0;
address = (key % (tbSIZE - 2)) + 1;
return address;
int hashTableSize(){
int userCHOOSE = 0;
cout << "Enter desired hash table size." << endl;
cout << "NOTE: hash table size must exceed 6500: " << endl;
cin >> userCHOOSE;
if(userCHOOSE < 6500){
cout << "Whoops " << userCHOOSE << " is to small!" << endl;
return userCHOOSE;
int randNUMS(int *randARRAY){
///temporary fix for randARRAY array of numbers till hash is running
int check = 0;
int index = 0;
int loop = 0;
srand (time(NULL));
for(index = 0; index < MAX_KEYS; index++){
check = rand() % RANDOM + 1;
while(randARRAY[loop] != 0){
if(check == randARRAY[index]){
check = rand() % RANDOM + 1;
loop = 0;
randARRAY[index] = check;
return *randARRAY;
void threeHashMethods(int *randARRAY,int tbSIZE){
int *HT;
///this menu will allow user to select collision method
HT = openAddressing(randARRAY,tbSIZE);
int* openAddressing(int *randARRAY,int tbSIZE){
int key = 0,
address = 0,
prb = 0,
hashTABLE[tbSIZE * 2],
*HT = hashTABLE;
int percent = (5000.00/tbSIZE) * 100;
int load = (5000.00/tbSIZE) * 10;
int loadFACTOR = (tbSIZE * load)/10;
if(percent > 0){
for(int a = 0; a < tbSIZE; a++){
hashTABLE[a] = 0;
while(randARRAY[key] != 0){
///get a purposed address
///and move through indexes
///in array of random int till
///empty index is found
if(randARRAY[key] > tbSIZE){
address = HASH(randARRAY[key],loadFACTOR);
///if address is available
///grab the key
if(hashTABLE[address] == 0){
hashTABLE[address] = randARRAY[key];
///if a collision is the result run
///a linear probe until available address is found
address = linearPROBE(address,hashTABLE,0,tbSIZE,prb);
hashTABLE[address] = randARRAY[key];
if(hashTABLE[address] == randARRAY[key]){
cout << key << " items loaded into a " << tbSIZE << " element hash table." << endl;
cout << "Load Factor = " << percent << "%" << endl;
cout << "Results from searching for 2500 items." << endl;
cout << "Load Factor is maxed out." << endl;
return HT;
int linearPROBE(int address,int *HASH,int probeTHIS,int load,int& probe){
while(HASH[address] != probeTHIS){
address = (address + 1);
if(address >= load){
address = 0;
return address;
void listSEARCH(int *randARRAY,int *HT,int tbSIZE){
int key = 0,
address = 0,
probe = 0,
found = 0,
attempts = 0;
while(randARRAY[key] != 0){
address = HASH(randARRAY[key],tbSIZE);
while(HT[address] != randARRAY[key] && attempts < tbSIZE){
address = linearPROBE(address,HT,randARRAY[key],tbSIZE,probe);
key = key + 2;
attempts = 0;
found = probe/found;
cout << "Linear Probing." << endl;
cout << probe << " items examined ";
cout << "(avg = " << found << " items examined per search.)" << endl;
まあ、ないのため、最大の鍵になりますかなり編み物のアドバイスを取っていますが、代わりにマルチマップのような標準のコンテナを使用することをお勧めします。誰かが広く使用されている実装をすでにデバッグしているときに、なぜその輪を再構築するのですか? –
私はこれを望みますが、これは純粋に学習のためのものです。私がこのコンセプトを理解すると、私は他のものに移り、私を助けてくれるでしょう。 – trentonknight