Given path 'url'
* request {abc:'ab',pqrs:'{"mno":"data","ijk":"data"}',dcb:'tata'} // Double quotes are required for 'pqrs' because thats the format of the service.
When method post
Then status 200
* def test = response.lmn
* print lmn
* def browser = Java.type('file path')
* def testing = browser.do(parameter) // 'do' function will call a java file which will return a String parameter
* print testing
Given path 'url'
* def nested = {uvw:"value",xyz:'#(testing)',ght:} //We tried storing nested variable in json format but that didn't work.
* request { abc:'ab',pqr:'#(nested)',dcb:'tata' }
When method post
Then status 200
上記のリクエストに「Invalid pqr object」というエラーが表示された後。ソリューションを提案してください。
こんにちは、私は最後の質問の答えを受け入れている、上記の質問 – Rahul