2016-06-22 12 views



Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder() 

    Call<ListingImages> getImages(@Path("listingId") String listingId, 
            @Query("api_key") String apiKey); 


    "count": 5, 
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public class GetImages { 
    EtsyService etsyService; 
    final private String API_KEY = "00000000000000000000";//fake key 

    public List<ListingEntity> fillModel(List<ListingEntity> listingList){ 

     etsyService = EtsyService.retrofit.create(EtsyService.class); 

     for(final ListingEntity listingentity:listingList){ 

      final Call<ListingImages> call = etsyService.getImages(listingentity.getListing_id(),API_KEY); 
      call.enqueue(new Callback<ListingImages>() { 
       public void onResponse(Call<ListingImages> call, Response<ListingImages> response) { 

       public void onFailure(Call<ListingImages> call, Throwable t) { 
     return listingList; 


Response body in debugger


public class ListingImages { 

    private Integer count; 
    private List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(); 
    private Params params; 
    private String type; 
    private Pagination pagination; 
    private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 
    public ListingImages() { 

    * @param results 
    * @param count 
    * @param params 
    * @param pagination 
    * @param type 
    public ListingImages(Integer count, List<Result> results, Params params, String type, Pagination pagination) { 
     this.count = count; 
     this.results = results; 
     this.params = params; 
     this.type = type; 
     this.pagination = pagination; 

    * @return 
    *  The count 
    public Integer getCount() { 
     return count; 

    * @param count 
    *  The count 
    public void setCount(Integer count) { 
     this.count = count; 

    * @return 
    *  The results 
    public List<Result> getResults() { 
     return results; 

    * @param results 
    *  The results 
    public void setResults(List<Result> results) { 
     this.results = results; 

    * @return 
    *  The params 
    public Params getParams() { 
     return params; 

    * @param params 
    *  The params 
    public void setParams(Params params) { 
     this.params = params; 

    * @return 
    *  The type 
    public String getType() { 
     return type; 

    * @param type 
    *  The type 
    public void setType(String type) { 
     this.type = type; 

    * @return 
    *  The pagination 
    public Pagination getPagination() { 
     return pagination; 

    * @param pagination 
    *  The pagination 
    public void setPagination(Pagination pagination) { 
     this.pagination = pagination; 

    public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() { 
     return this.additionalProperties; 

    public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) { 
     this.additionalProperties.put(name, value); 



public class Result { 

    private Integer listingImageId; 
    private String hexCode; 
    private String red; 
    private int green; 
    private Integer blue; 
    private Integer hue; 
    private Integer saturation; 
    private Integer brightness; 
    private Boolean isBlackAndWhite; 
    private Integer creationTsz; 
    private Integer listingId; 
    private Integer rank; 
    private String url75x75; 
    private String url170x135; 
    private String url570xN; 
    private String urlFullxfull; 
    private Integer fullHeight; 
    private Integer fullWidth; 
    private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 

    * No args constructor for use in serialization 
    public Result() { 

    * @param url570xN 
    * @param urlFullxfull 
    * @param url170x135 
    * @param green 
    * @param hue 
    * @param fullWidth 
    * @param fullHeight 
    * @param listingId 
    * @param isBlackAndWhite 
    * @param brightness 
    * @param rank 
    * @param red 
    * @param blue 
    * @param saturation 
    * @param creationTsz 
    * @param hexCode 
    * @param url75x75 
    * @param listingImageId 
    public Result(Integer listingImageId, String hexCode, String red, int green, Integer blue, Integer hue, Integer saturation, Integer brightness, Boolean isBlackAndWhite, Integer creationTsz, Integer listingId, Integer rank, String url75x75, String url170x135, String url570xN, String urlFullxfull, Integer fullHeight, Integer fullWidth) { 
     this.listingImageId = listingImageId; 
     this.hexCode = hexCode; 
     this.red = red; 
     this.green = green; 
     this.blue = blue; 
     this.hue = hue; 
     this.saturation = saturation; 
     this.brightness = brightness; 
     this.isBlackAndWhite = isBlackAndWhite; 
     this.creationTsz = creationTsz; 
     this.listingId = listingId; 
     this.rank = rank; 
     this.url75x75 = url75x75; 
     this.url170x135 = url170x135; 
     this.url570xN = url570xN; 
     this.urlFullxfull = urlFullxfull; 
     this.fullHeight = fullHeight; 
     this.fullWidth = fullWidth; 

    * @return 
    *  The listingImageId 
    public Integer getListingImageId() { 
     return listingImageId; 

    * @param listingImageId 
    *  The listing_image_id 
    public void setListingImageId(Integer listingImageId) { 
     this.listingImageId = listingImageId; 

    * @return 
    *  The hexCode 
    public String getHexCode() { 
     return hexCode; 

    * @param hexCode 
    *  The hex_code 
    public void setHexCode(String hexCode) { 
     this.hexCode = hexCode; 

    * @return 
    *  The red 
    public String getRed() { 
     return red; 

    * @param red 
    *  The red 
    public void setRed(String red) { 
     this.red = red; 

    * @return 
    *  The green 
    public int getGreen() { 
     return green; 

    * @param green 
    *  The green 
    public void setGreen(int green) { 
     this.green = green; 

    * @return 
    *  The blue 
    public Integer getBlue() { 
     return blue; 

    * @param blue 
    *  The blue 
    public void setBlue(Integer blue) { 
     this.blue = blue; 

    * @return 
    *  The hue 
    public Integer getHue() { 
     return hue; 

    * @param hue 
    *  The hue 
    public void setHue(Integer hue) { 
     this.hue = hue; 

    * @return 
    *  The saturation 
    public Integer getSaturation() { 
     return saturation; 

    * @param saturation 
    *  The saturation 
    public void setSaturation(Integer saturation) { 
     this.saturation = saturation; 

    * @return 
    *  The brightness 
    public Integer getBrightness() { 
     return brightness; 

    * @param brightness 
    *  The brightness 
    public void setBrightness(Integer brightness) { 
     this.brightness = brightness; 

    * @return 
    *  The isBlackAndWhite 
    public Boolean getIsBlackAndWhite() { 
     return isBlackAndWhite; 

    * @param isBlackAndWhite 
    *  The is_black_and_white 
    public void setIsBlackAndWhite(Boolean isBlackAndWhite) { 
     this.isBlackAndWhite = isBlackAndWhite; 

    * @return 
    *  The creationTsz 
    public Integer getCreationTsz() { 
     return creationTsz; 

    * @param creationTsz 
    *  The creation_tsz 
    public void setCreationTsz(Integer creationTsz) { 
     this.creationTsz = creationTsz; 

    * @return 
    *  The listingId 
    public Integer getListingId() { 
     return listingId; 

    * @param listingId 
    *  The listing_id 
    public void setListingId(Integer listingId) { 
     this.listingId = listingId; 

    * @return 
    *  The rank 
    public Integer getRank() { 
     return rank; 

    * @param rank 
    *  The rank 
    public void setRank(Integer rank) { 
     this.rank = rank; 

    * @return 
    *  The url75x75 
    public String getUrl75x75() { 
     return url75x75; 

    * @param url75x75 
    *  The url_75x75 
    public void setUrl75x75(String url75x75) { 
     this.url75x75 = url75x75; 

    * @return 
    *  The url170x135 
    public String getUrl170x135() { 
     return url170x135; 

    * @param url170x135 
    *  The url_170x135 
    public void setUrl170x135(String url170x135) { 
     this.url170x135 = url170x135; 

    * @return 
    *  The url570xN 
    public String getUrl570xN() { 
     return url570xN; 

    * @param url570xN 
    *  The url_570xN 
    public void setUrl570xN(String url570xN) { 
     this.url570xN = url570xN; 

    * @return 
    *  The urlFullxfull 
    public String getUrlFullxfull() { 
     return urlFullxfull; 

    * @param urlFullxfull 
    *  The url_fullxfull 
    public void setUrlFullxfull(String urlFullxfull) { 
     this.urlFullxfull = urlFullxfull; 

    * @return 
    *  The fullHeight 
    public Integer getFullHeight() { 
     return fullHeight; 

    * @param fullHeight 
    *  The full_height 
    public void setFullHeight(Integer fullHeight) { 
     this.fullHeight = fullHeight; 

    * @return 
    *  The fullWidth 
    public Integer getFullWidth() { 
     return fullWidth; 

    * @param fullWidth 
    *  The full_width 
    public void setFullWidth(Integer fullWidth) { 
     this.fullWidth = fullWidth; 

    public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() { 
     return this.additionalProperties; 

    public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) { 
     this.additionalProperties.put(name, value); 




はチェックhttp://json.parser.online.fr/ –


であなたのJSONを確認してください。私はpojoの2つの異なるサービスを試してみた – Joao





は、 @Serisalizedアノテーション付きのクラスからフィールドに注釈を付ける、または hereからの値のいずれかに GsonConverterFactoryのフィールド名のポリシーを設定する方法を見つけます。あなたに最適なポリシーを使用してください。



Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_DASHES).create() 
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder() 

ありがとう! @SerializedName( "url_fullxfull") プライベート文字列urlFullxfull;フィールド名url_fullxfull の例については、 の注釈を使用しています。 – Joao


私の答えがあなたを助けたなら、それはあなたが望むならば、答えた:)(唯一のオフコースを望むならば) – danypata


私は欲しいが、私は投票したが、私は評判の15ポイントを受け取ったときにのみマークする – Joao
