


2番目のビューコントローラは詳細ビューコントローラで、新しいテストを追加したり、詳細を編集したり、新しいテストを保存したり、テストに質問を追加することができます。また、質問のテーブルも含まれています。質問テーブルにはfetchedResultsControllerもあります。 Add Question button triggers the save

TestDetailsVC view



//if we tap on a row, then we select that question to edit 
//if a question is selected, we will pass that information over to 
//the question editor view so it can be edited  
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { 
    //make sure there is at least one question 
    //objs = means object selected 
    if let objs = controller.fetchedObjects, objs.count > 0 { 
     //if there is, keep track of the test which is selected 
     let question = objs[indexPath.row] 
     //pass along that test to the editor to be edited 
     //the sender is the selected test at that particular row 
     performSegue(withIdentifier: "EditQuestionSegue", sender: question) 

//we need to get ready to do the segue before we call it 
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { 
    if let identifier = segue.identifier { 
     switch identifier { 
     case "EditQuestionSegue": 
      //find the question needing to be edited 
      //pass this along to the question editing view controller 
      if let destination = segue.destination as? QuestionDetailsVC { 
      if let question = sender as? Question { 
       destination.questionToEdit = question 
       //pass along the test that the question is 
       //related to also 
       if let test = testToEdit { 
        destination.testToEdit = test 
     case "AddNewQuestionSegue": 
      //if no test to edit got passed in, it means 
      //we're now editing a new test 
      //once we type in the test title, then we have to 
      //make sure the test has been saved if it's new test 
      //before we go on to edit questions 
      if testToEdit == nil { 

       //make sure we set up as if new 
       //before we start adding questions 
       //these are called in the view did load 
      if let destination = segue.destination as? QuestionDetailsVC { 
       if let test = testToEdit { 
        destination.testToEdit = test 
      print("no segue this time") 

func saveTestBeforeAddingQuestion() { 

    var test: Test! 

    //if there's not a passed in value into the testToEdit core data 
    //object test entity, then we're going to edit as if new 
    if testToEdit == nil { 
     //then instantiate a new test object ready to be written to 
     test = Test(context: context) 
    } else { 
     test = testToEdit 

    if let title = titleTextField.text { 
     test.title = title 

    if let abrevTitle = abrevTitleTextField.text { 
     test.abrevTitle = abrevTitle 
    if let author = authorTextField { 
     test.author = author.text 
    if let publisher = publisherTextField { 
     test.publisher = publisher.text 

    //since we have now saved a new test 
    //let's put that test into our testToEdit variable 
    //so we can pass it along to the next view controller 
    //during our segue 
    if let newTestCreated = test { 
     testToEdit = newTestCreated 


@IBAction func savePressed(_ sender: UIButton) { 

      var question: Question! 

     //if there's not a passed in value into the questionToEdit core data 
     //object test entity, then we're going to edit as if new 
     if questionToEdit == nil { 
      //then instantiate a new test object ready to be written to 
      question = Question(context: context) 
     } else { 
      question = questionToEdit 

     //make sure to relate the question added to the testToEdit test 
     question.test = self.testToEdit 

     //if there is something in the sentence text field 
     //then assign that value to the question.sentence attribute 
     //of the sentence entity in our core data context 
     if let sentence = questionSentenceTextField.text { 
      question.sentence = sentence 
     if let identifier = questionIdentifierTextField.text { 
      question.identifier = identifier 
     if let displayOrder = questionDisplayOrderTextField.text { 
      question.displayOrder = Int(displayOrder) as NSNumber? 

     // save the context 

     _ = navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true) 






override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { 
     guard testToEdit != nil else {return} 