ここで私が作った命令は少し浸透性ですが、それは仕事です。 Chrome、Safari、Firefoxでテスト済み。 。あなたがこれを実装する場合ので、理由はテンプレートfocus
app.directive('multiSelectDate', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
scope: {
datasource: '='
controller: function ($scope) {
$scope.date = {
day: [],
month: [],
year: []
if (typeof $scope.datasource != 'undefined' && $scope.datasource != '') {
var sources = $scope.datasource.split('/');
if (typeof sources == 'object') {
$scope.date = {
day: [sources[0][0], sources[0][1]],
month: [sources[1][0], sources[1][1]],
year: [sources[2][0], sources[2][1], sources[2][2], sources[2][3]],
$scope.only_one_allowed = function(array) {
var val = [];
angular.forEach(array, function(value, index){
if (typeof value != 'undefined') {
if (value.length > 1) {
val[index] = value.split('')[1];
} else {
val[index] = value
return val;
$scope.only_number_allowed = function(array, type) {
if (type == 'year') {
var year_1st_digit = /1|2/;
var year_2nd_digit = /0|9/;
var year_rest_digit = /[0-9]/;
if (!year_1st_digit.test(array[0])) {
array[0] = '';
// Should be 0 or 9
if (!year_2nd_digit.test(array[1])) {
array[1] = '';
if (!year_rest_digit.test(array[2])) {
array[2] = '';
if (!year_rest_digit.test(array[3])) {
array[3] = '';
} else if (type == 'month') {
var month_1st_digit = /[0-1]/;
var month_2nd_digit = /[0-9]/;
// Shouldn't be more than 1 or less than 0
if (!month_1st_digit.test(array[0])) {
array[0] = '';
// Shouldn't be more than 2 or less than 0
if (!month_2nd_digit.test(array[1])) {
array[1] = '';
// if the month[0] is undefined and second digit has value change the first digit to 0
if ((typeof array[0] == 'undefined' || array[0] == '') && parseInt(array[1]) >= 0) {
array[0] = 0;
// date.array must have only one digit
if (parseInt(array[0], 10) != array[0]) {
array[0] = '';
if (parseInt(array[1], 10) != array[1]) {
array[1] = '';
if (parseInt(array[0], 10) == array[0] && parseInt(array[1], 10) != array[1]) {
array[1] = 0;
} else {
var day_1st_digit = /[0-3]/;
var day_2nd_digit = /[0-9]/;
// Shouldn't be more than 1 or less than 0
if (!day_1st_digit.test(array[0])) {
array[0] = '';
// Shouldn't be more than 2 or less than 0
if (!day_2nd_digit.test(array[1])) {
array[1] = '';
// if the day[0] is 3 then second digits must be less than 1
if (parseInt(array[0]) == 3 && parseInt(array[1]) > 1) {
array[1] = 1;
// if the day[0] is undefined and second digit has value change the first digit to 0
if ((typeof array[0] == 'undefined' || array[0] == '') && parseInt(array[1]) >= 0) {
array[0] = 0;
// date.array must have only one digit
if (parseInt(array[0], 10) != array[0]) {
array[0] = '';
if (parseInt(array[1], 10) != array[1]) {
array[1] = '';
if (parseInt(array[0], 10) == array[0] && parseInt(array[1], 10) != array[1]) {
array[1] = 0;
return array;
$scope.update_date = function() {
var day = '';
var month = '';
var year = '';
if (typeof $scope.date.day != 'undefined') {
var dirty_day = $scope.only_one_allowed($scope.date.day);
dirty_day = $scope.only_number_allowed(dirty_day, 'day');
$scope.date.day = dirty_day;
day = dirty_day.join('');
if (typeof $scope.date.month != 'undefined') {
var dirty_month = $scope.only_one_allowed($scope.date.month);
dirty_month = $scope.only_number_allowed(dirty_month, 'month');
$scope.date.month = dirty_month;
month = dirty_month.join('');
if (typeof $scope.date.year != 'undefined') {
var dirty_year = $scope.only_one_allowed($scope.date.year);
dirty_year = $scope.only_number_allowed(dirty_year, 'year');
$scope.date.year = dirty_year;
year = dirty_year.join('');
$scope.datasource = day + '/' + month + '/' + year
templateUrl: '/multiSelectDate.html',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var start_year = attrs.startYear;
if (scope.date.year.length != 4 && typeof start_year != 'undefined') {
scope.date.year = [start_year[0], start_year[1], start_year[2], start_year[3]];
scope.$watch('datasource', function(){
var sources = scope.datasource.split('/');
if (typeof sources == 'object') {
if (sources.length == 3) {
scope.date = {
day: [sources[0][0], sources[0][1]],
month: [sources[1][0], sources[1][1]],
year: [sources[2][0], sources[2][1], sources[2][2], sources[2][3]]
<div class="form-inline">
<input type="text" focus ng-model="date.day[0]" class="dl_float" size="1" ng-keyup="update_date()">
<input type="text" focus ng-model="date.day[1]" class="dl_float" size="1" ng-keyup="update_date()">/
<input type="text" focus ng-model="date.month[0]" class="dl_float" size="1" ng-keyup="update_date()">
<input type="text" focus ng-model="date.month[1]" class="dl_float" size="1" ng-keyup="update_date()">/
<input type="text" focus ng-model="date.year[0]" class="dl_float" size="1" ng-keyup="update_date()">
<input type="text" focus ng-model="date.year[1]" class="dl_float" size="1" ng-keyup="update_date()">
<input type="text" focus ng-model="date.year[2]" class="dl_float" size="1" ng-keyup="update_date()">
<input type="text" focus ng-model="date.year[3]" class="dl_float" size="1" ng-keyup="update_date()">
// <input focus type="text" />
app.directive('focus', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function ($scope, elem, attrs) {
elem.bind('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 8) {
if (typeof elem.prev() != 'undefined' && elem.prev().size() > 0) {
elem.prev()[0].value = '';
} else {
if (typeof elem.next() != 'undefined' && elem.next().size() > 0) {
var val = elem[0].value;
if (!isNaN(parseFloat(val)) && isFinite(val)) {
.dl_float {
font-size: 14px !important;
width: 19px;
<multi-select-date datasource="date_of_birth" start-year="1945" ></multi-select-date>
$scope.date_of_birth = '11/01/1950';