2016-06-01 7 views




';with temp as (
select 'A' col1,'B' col2,'C' col3, 'Problem' col4--Should return as a problem 
union ALL 
select null, null, null,'Problem' --Should return as a problem 
union ALL 
select null, 'B', 'C','Problem' --Should return as a problem 
union ALL 
select 'A','B',null,'Problem' --Should return as a problem 
union ALL 
select 'A',null,'C','Problem' --Should return as a problem 
union ALL 
select 'A',null,null,'Not a Problem' --Should NOT return as a problem 
union ALL 
select null, 'B', null,'Not a Problem' --Should NOT return as a problem 
union ALL 
select null,null,'C','Not a Problem' --Should NOT return as a problem 
select * from temp WHERE COALESCE(col1, col2, col3) IS NOT NULL 
        or COALESCE(col1, col2, col3) IS NULL' 

混乱:ここでは一つの方法です。これはすべてを返します。あなたは何をしようとしているのですか? –


コード内の最初と最後の引用符を削除できますか?私はそれを読むことが難しくなる – Petaflop


問題のない問題のカテゴリを明確にすることができますか、そのようなマークを付ける理由 – TheGameiswar




where ((case when col1 is null then 1 else 0 end) + 
     (case when col2 is null then 1 else 0 end) + 
     (case when col3 is null then 1 else 0 end) 
    ) = 2 

迅速なソリューションをありがとう – SQLMike

select *from temp where 
(col1 is not null and (col2 is null and col3 is null)) or 
(col2 is not null and (col1 is null and col3 is null)) or 
(col3 is not null and (col1 is null and col2 is null)) 