2017-09-06 10 views




#include <stdio.h> 
    #include <errno.h> 
    #include <unistd.h> 
    #include <string.h> 

    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 
     char *feeds[] = {"http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/rss/lifestyle", 

     int num_feeds = 3; 
     if(argc < 2) { 
      fprintf(stderr, "You need to tell me a search phrase.\n"); 
      return 1; 
     char *phrase = argv[1]; // this will be the phrase you to search for in the rss feed, passed as an argument 
    printf("we are going to search for \"%s\"\n", phrase); 
    int i; 
    for(i = 0; i < num_feeds; i ++) { 
     char var[255]; 
     sprintf(var, "RSS_FEED=%s", feeds[i]); 
     printf("we are going to search this feed: %s\n", var); 
     char *my_env[] = {var, NULL}; 
     // I believe that once we call execle, the while loop stops because we've totally replaced the process! (we need fork...) 
     pid_t pid = fork(); 
     printf("pid: %d\n", pid); 
     if(pid == -1) { // -1 indicates that fork() had a problem cloning the process 
      fprintf(stderr, "Can't fork process: %s\n", strerror(errno)); 
      return 1; 
     if(pid == 0) { // isn't a non-zero number for the parent process?? NO, this is like pid==0, i.e. child process 
      printf("running a child process now\n"); 
      if(execle("/usr/bin/python", "/usr/bin/python", 
        "./rssgossip/rssgossip.py", phrase, NULL, my_env) == -1) { 
       fprintf(stderr, "Can't run script: %s\n", strerror(errno)); 
       return 1; 

    return 0; 


aarons-MacBook-Pro:ch9 aaronparisi$ ./news hi 
we are going to search for "hi" 
we are going to search this feed: RSS_FEED=http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/rss/lifestyle 
pid: 68853 
we are going to search this feed: RSS_FEED=http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/rss/world 
pid: 68854 
we are going to search this feed: RSS_FEED=http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/rss/opinions 
pid: 0 
running a child process now 
pid: 0 
running a child process now 
pid: 68855 
pid: 0 
running a child process now 
aarons-MacBook-Pro:ch9 aaronparisi$ U.S. general in Afghanistan apologizes for highly offensive leaflets 
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Sir Richard Branson is riding out Hurricane Irma in the wine cellar on his private island 
Britains royal family announces third pregnancy for Duke and Duchess of Cambridge 
Fashion is finally figuring out diversity in ways that actually matter 
The Salt Line is an instant hit, with superb seafood and a view to match 
The 2017 Washington Post Travel photo contest winners and finalists 
Ask Amy: New hire struggles with workplace racism 
Hints From Heloise: Kitchen creativity 
Miss Manners: Helping a young child deflect questions 
A laughing matter 
History shows us how calamitous the North Korea crisis could become 
These Washington players didnt just stick to their college major 
The only thing less fair than the electoral college is the scoring in tennis 
With DACA, Jeff Sessions bent Trump to his will - again 
Washington Post's Scott Wilson is out as national editor 
Who first said, 'The best government is that which governs least'? Not Thoreau. 






running a child process now 
aarons-MacBook-Pro:ch9 aaronparisi$ U.S. general in Afghanistan apologizes for highly offensive leaflets 





int status = 0; 
while ((wpid = wait(&status)) > 0); 

は(私は Make parent wait for all child processesからその特定の式を得た。)


ことに問題がある、それは待ち時間がintを取ると言う*:プロセスが子を持たない、それはそうするまで、あなただけのループでそれを呼び出すことができますintではない? –


@ A.Pizzle wait関数の使い方については、私の拡張答えを見てください。私が "wait(2)"と言うとき、それは "function wait()"と言う標準的な方法です。これはマンページのセクション2に記載されています。私はその特定の専門用語がSOの標準と見なされるかどうかは分かりません。混乱して申し訳ありません。 int *引数は、wait()が終了した子の終了ステータスを格納するintへのポインタです(子のpidはwait()によって返されます)。 –


ああ、それは働いて、ありがとう! –
