2017-11-14 26 views


* [[February 1]] – ''[[Brave New World]]'', a novel by [[Aldous Huxley]], is first published. 
* [[February 2]] 
** A general [[World Disarmament Conference]] begins in [[Geneva]]. The principal issue at the conference is the demand made by Germany for ''gleichberechtigung'' ("equality of status" i.e. abolishing Part V of the Treaty of Versailles, which had disarmed Germany) and the French demand for ''sécurité'' ("security" i.e. maintaining Part V). 
** The [[League of Nations]] again recommends negotiations between the [[Republic of China (1912–49)|Republic of China]] and Japan. 
** The [[Reconstruction Finance Corporation]] begins operations in Washington, D.C. 
* [[February 4]] 
** The [[1932 Winter Olympics]] open in [[Lake Placid, New York]]. 
** Japan occupies [[Harbin]], China. 
* [[February 9]] – [[Junnosuke Inoue]], prominent Japanese businessman, banker and former governor of the Bank of Japan is assassinated by right-wing extremist group the League of Blood in the [[League of Blood Incident]]. 
* [[February 11]] – [[Pope Pius XI]] meets [[Benito Mussolini]] in [[Vatican City]]. 



> Match 1: 
>> Group 1: "* [[February 2]]" 

>> Group 2: "** A general [...] Part V)." 

>> Group 3: "** The [[League of Nations]] [...] and Japan." 

>> Group 4: "** The [[Reconstruction Finance Corporation]] begins operations in Washington, D.C." 

> Match 2: 
>> Group 1: "* [[February 4]]" 

>> Group 2: "** The [[1932 Winter Olympics]] open in [[Lake Placid, New York]]." 

>> Group 3: "** Japan occupies [[Harbin]], China." 

ここで私はこのパターンに来る 次のとおりです。 /(*ANY)^\*{1} (.*)\n(?>(^\*{2}(.*?)\n)+)/gm、ここで私は正規表現をテストするregex101へのリンクです:https://regex101.com/r/ubtnMg/1

ここに私のパターンの説明があります: * (*ANY)どの改行文字がテキストで使用されているかわからないので、改行シーケンスと一致させる必要があります。 * ^\*{1} (.*)\n*で始まる行に一致させるには、改行があるまでその行のテキストをキャプチャします。 * (?>(^\*{2}(.*?)\n)+)は難しい部分です。 **で始まる^\*{1} (.*)\n後のすべての行と一致し、グループ内の行の最後までテキストをキャプチャすることになって、それが*


> Match 1: "* [[February 2]] 
** A general [[World Disarmament Conference]] begins in [[Geneva]]. The principal issue at the conference is the demand made by Germany for ''gleichberechtigung'' ("equality of status" i.e. abolishing Part V of the Treaty of Versailles, which had disarmed Germany) and the French demand for ''sécurité'' ("security" i.e. maintaining Part V). 
** The [[League of Nations]] again recommends negotiations between the [[Republic of China (1912–49)|Republic of China]] and Japan. 
** The [[Reconstruction Finance Corporation]] begins operations in Washington, D.C." 
>> Group 1: "[[February 2]]" 

>> Group 2: "** The [[Reconstruction Finance Corporation]] begins operations in Washington, D.C." 

>> Group 3: "The [[Reconstruction Finance Corporation]] begins operations in Washington, D.C." 

> Match 2: "* [[February 4]] 
** The [[1932 Winter Olympics]] open in [[Lake Placid, New York]]. 
** Japan occupies [[Harbin]], China." 
>> Group 1: "[[February 4]]" 

>> Group 2: "** Japan occupies [[Harbin]], China" 

>> Group 3: " Japan occupies [[Harbin]], China." 

私は十分に明確であり、これで私を助けてくれることを願っています。もっと詳しくお気軽にお尋ねください。 Rawingのコメントに


別々のグループに各行を取り込むことはできません。正規表現はキャプチャグループを動的に生成できません。だからあなたが望むものは不可能です。また、どこでも再帰正規表現は見られません。 –


私はすべてのグループをキャプチャし、すべての行に一致する別の正規表現を行う必要がありますか? – Art2B


これは可能な解決策の1つです。正規表現を使わなくてもやることができます。 –



おかげで、私は、このソリューションに遭遇しました。このようなテキストのすべてのブロックを一致させるために/(*ANY)^\*{1} (.*)\n(^\*{2}(.*?)\n)+/gm


* [[February 2]] 
** A general [[World Disarmament Conference]] begins in [[Geneva]]. The principal issue at the conference is the demand made by Germany for ''gleichberechtigung'' ("equality of status" i.e. abolishing Part V of the Treaty of Versailles, which had disarmed Germany) and the French demand for ''sécurité'' ("security" i.e. maintaining Part V). 
** The [[League of Nations]] again recommends negotiations between the [[Republic of China (1912–49)|Republic of China]] and Japan. 
** The [[Reconstruction Finance Corporation]] begins operations in Washington, D.C. 

その後、私は使用してこのパターンは*で始まる行を得る:/^\*{1}(.*)/g。 また、このパターンを使用して、**で始まるすべての行を取得します。/^\*{2}(.*)$/gm