2017-01-06 13 views

私はこれで一日中壁に頭を打っていました。私はimagemapsterとブートストラップを実行しようとしています。私はどちらか一方しか動かすことができないようだ。私はそうのようnoConflict使用しようとしてきた:jquery.js no imagemapsterとブートストラップのコンフリクト

< script src = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js" > < /script> 
\t \t <!-- Load any Bootsrap JS files before calling jQuery.noConflict() --> 
\t \t <script src="bootstrap.js"></script > 
    // Put jQuery 1.10.2 into noConflict mode. 
    var $jq1 = jQuery.noConflict(true); < /script> 
\t \t <!-- Trying to use this for my imagemapster code --> 
\t \t <script type="text/javascript 
" src=" 
http: //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.js"></script>

<!--this is the imagemapster code I'm trying use jquery/1.7.1 with--> 
< script type = "text/javascript" > 
    $(document).ready(function() { 
    function state_change(data) { 
    $('b').bind('mouseover', function() { 
     $('img').mapster('tooltip', this, "The text is: " + $(this).text()); 
     staticState: true, 
     showToolTip: true, 
     noHrefIsMask: false, 
     onStateChange: state_change, 
     fill: true, 
     fillColor: 'ffffff', 
     fillOpacity: 0, 
     mapKey: "group", 
     strokeWidth: 2, 
     stroke: true, 
     strokeColor: 'f27821', 
     render_select: { 
     fillColor: '000000', 
     fillOpacity: 0.2 
     areas: [{ 
     key: 'top', 
     stroke: false, 
     fillOpacity: 0, 
     toolTip: '<div class="blkBG pg6ToolTip1"><ul><li>Almost all triploid pregnancies result in miscarriage in the first or second trimester</li><li>The chance of triploidy does NOT increase with maternal age</li><li>At 10 weeks gestation, 1 in 1,000 pregnancies is affected by triploidy</li></ul></div>' 
     }, { 
     key: 'left', 
     stroke: false, 
     fillOpacity: 0, 
     toolTip: '<div class="blkBG pg6ToolTip2"><div class="pg6Border"><h3>Paternal in origin:</h3></div><div class="pg6Border"><div class="half">Placenta:</div><div class="half">Large, abnormal (cystic)</div></div><div class="pg6Border"><div class="half">Fetus:</div><div class="half">Abnormal</div></div><div class="pg6Border"><div class="half">Associated with partial molar pregnancy?</div><div class="half">Yes, maternal risk for gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)</div></div></div>' 
     }, { 
     key: 'right', 
     stroke: false, 
     fillOpacity: 0, 
     toolTip: '<div class="blkBG pg6ToolTip3"><div class="pg6Border"><h3>Maternal in origin:</h3></div><div class="pg6Border"><div class="half">Placenta:</div><div class="half">Small, normal (non-cystic)</div></div><div class="pg6Border"><div class="half">Fetus:</div><div class="half">Abnormal, growth-restricted</div></div><div class="pg6Border"><div class="half">Associated with partial molar pregnancy?</div><div class="half">No, no known association</div></div></div>' 
    }); < /script> 

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

は、ここで私が働いているページへのリンクです。 imagemapsterが動作しており、ブートストラップが動作していないことに注意してください。ここでの目標は、大きな画像を反応的にすることです。 http://cjehost.com/qt/nipt/stacktest.php



