など。 ThisOutlookSession/[FolderA] ThisOutlookSession/Inbox/[FolderA]に移動する
Private Sub ImportFolder() <br>
'' Assume for this example so im not overloading code that I have already created the CSV that im drawing data from, opened in excel & this Macro is running from Outlook
Dim xlWkb As Object ' As Workbook
Dim xlSht As Object ' As Worksheet
Set xlSht = xlWkb.Worksheets(1) 'set active being first worksheet
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim ChilCol As Integer
Dim parentFolderName
iRow = 1 'set start a Row1
ChilCol = 1 'set start as ColA
'Set Parent as Static nomination in head macros
While xlSht.Cells(iRow, 1) <> "" 'while Parent is not blank
If ChilCol <= 1 Then
Set objParentFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
parentFolderName = xlSht.Cells(iRow, ChilCol - 1) 'set the parent to be the previous Column
Set objParentFolder = objParentFolder.Folders(parentFolderName)
End If
'Set name for the new folder
newFolderName = xlSht.Cells(iRow, ChilCol)
On Error Resume Next
Dim objNewFolder As Outlook.Folder
If newFolderName = "Inbox" Then
newFolderName = Nothing
End If
'If ParentFolder = newFolderName
Set objNewFolder = objParentFolder.Folders(newFolderName)
'' This is where I am unsure - I have a Archive email folder on same hierarchy as Inbox
'' due to how mobile Outlook displays folders. This part of the code should check that if
'' the Parent Folder for the new folder to be mapped in then move the Folder in Archive to Inbox\SubFolder
If objNewFolder.Parent = "zArchive" And objNewFolder.Parent = parentFolderName Then
objNewFolder.MoveTo Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
End If
'If no issues, then create the Folder
If objNewFolder Is Nothing Then 'if no value
Set objNewFolder = objParentFolder.Folders.Add(newFolderName) 'add folder
End If
' make new folder the parent
Set objParentFolder = objNewFolder
If xlSht.Cells(iRow, ChilCol) = "" Then ''unless blank
iRow = iRow + 1 'new row
ChilCol = 0 'reset ChildColumn
End If
ChilCol = ChilCol + 1 ' move to next nesting column
Set objNewFolder = Nothing 'required to reset the New Folder name
Set xlWkb = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set objParentFolder = Nothing
End Sub
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