と比較すると、他の3種類の配列が私に配列1の違いを与える必要がありますARRAY - 4 ARRAY - 5 ARRAY - 6
a9 a4 a1
a12 a8 a2
a1 a1
a2 a2
a3 a3
a9 a4
a10 a8
a11 a10
a12 a11
-array4 here gives the strings that is included in array1 but not found in array2
-array5 here gives the strings that is included in array2 but not found in array1
-array6 here gives the strings that is found in both
です。i = 0
j = 0
For Each innerElement1 In CompareElement1 'CompareElement1 is the array1 here
NoneFound = 1
'Ones thats in first element also found in second element..
For Each innerElement2 In CompareElement2 'CompareElement2 is the array2 here
If innerElement1 = innerElement2 Then
'Expand array
ReDim Preserve IncludedInBoth(0 To UBound(IncludedInBoth) + 1)
IncludedInBoth(i) = innerElement1
'Item found in both so NoneFound is 0.
NoneFound = 0
i = i + 1
End If
'Ones thats in first element but not found in second element..
If NoneFound = 1 Then
'Expand array
ReDim Preserve NotIncludedInElem2(0 To UBound(NotIncludedInElem2) + 1)
NotIncludedInElem2(j) = innerElement1
j = j + 1
End If
'Seperate Comparison for the ones that found in second element _
but not found in first element..
i = 0
For Each innerElement1 In CompareElement2
NoneFound = 1
'Ones thats in second element also found in first element.
For Each innerElement2 In IncludedInBoth
If innerElement1 = innerElement2 Then
'Item found in both so NoneFound is 0.
NoneFound = 0
End If
'Ones thats in second element but not found in first element..
If NoneFound = 1 Then
'Expand array
ReDim Preserve NotIncludedInElem1(0 To UBound(NotIncludedInElem1) + 1)
NotIncludedInElem1(i) = innerElement1
i = i + 1
End If
私のコードは正確に比較して真の答えを与えますが、内部のfor each
コールによって引き起こされるパフォーマンスの欠如により、これをより高速な方法と比較する方法がありますか? 、データの量と
array1 and array2 are two different sized arrays that contains thousands(~100.000)of strings in each.
also they are not in order. i would like to learn how to order them alphabetically.
データベースに配列データがありますか。そうであれば、探している情報を返すためのクエリを簡単に書くことができます。 –
並べ替えについて知りたい場合は、[ここ](http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=473677)で始めるのが良いでしょう。私はあなたがソートされていない配列を比較しようとするところに行くつもりはないと思います。 –
@GMastrosこんにちは私はデータベースの配列を持っていないので、私はより速い方法を求めていました。なぜなら、私は安全なストレージの問題のためにデータベースを避けていましたが、 –