class Song
public string Title{get;set}
public string Text{get;set;}
class SongBook
public List Songs {get;set;}
// Initialization: we are setting ListBox's DataSource to songBookBindingSource
private void InitializeComponent()
this.allSongsList.DataSource = this.songBookBindingSource;
// We create new SongBook object, and set BindingSource's DataSource to
// list of songs in songbook
private void OpenSongBook()
songBookBindingSource.DataSource = currentSongBook.Songs;
// When user selects a song in ListBox, we try to edit it's properties
private void allSongsList_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
songProps.SelectedObject = allSongsList.SelectedItem;
songTextEdit.Text = (allSongsList.SelectedItem as Song).Text;
// This get called whenever user changes something in TextBox.
// If it does, we want to mark song as Unsaved and refresh
// ListBox, so it would display a nice little "*" next to it!
private void songTextEdit_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
currentSong.Text = editSongTextBox.Text;
currentSong.Unsaved = true;
// As far as I understand, this SHOULD make ListBox bound to songBookBindingSource
// update its items. But it does not! How do I make it understand that data changed?
songBookBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
// And if I do this, ListBox DOES gets updated, but something also inserts A COPY OF CURRENT ITEM
// into it. If I select it, allSongsList.SelectedItem throws "Out of bounds" exception. As far
// as I understand, it gets added only to ListBox, but NOT to underlying List. But why is it
// even getting added at all?!
// songBookBindingSource.ResetCurrentItem();
私はのように感じます.NET Frameworkは、私を嫌って:)
ええと、私はすべての 'set'実装からOnPropertyChangedを呼び出す必要がありますか?私のために自動構築されたgetters/setterはありませんか?また、私はまだ興味があります - PropertyGirdからプロパティを変更すると、リフレッシュが発生しますが、直接変更はしません。 PropertyGirdは、変更されたプロパティに新しい値を代入する以外の何かをしますか? – MaxEd
はい、すべての設定者からOnPropertyChangedを呼び出す必要があります(申し訳ありませんが、私の例では忘れてしまいました)ので、自動プロパティは使用できません。なぜそれがPropertyGridで動作するのかわかりません。 –
OK、ありがとうございます。フレームワークは神秘的な方法で動作します:) – MaxEd